Saturday, December 31, 2005
i am afraid of guys snatching my gf away.. really afraid.. seeing those club guys who will dance and rub against girls i feel sadded... what if those girls got boyfriends? and.. the boyfriend don even know it? and what if the guy happen to drunk a girl or putting pills and in the end , ended up in hotel with no 1 business? hm.. thats why i am afraid when my gf go to club...
hais.. maybe i watch too much tv? or ppl telling too much bad abt it? or my stupid brain likes to imagine it..?
hmm sunday night dear got a date from horse to go club... discuiss with dear and she agreed not to club... shes sad i know... so am i .. wonder why will my brain keep thinking of it.. maybe... i am just too sensetive abt clubbing..
it may be jus like dancing or drinking nth much... but.. i am confuse... friends telling how bad they were inside.. they can rub with girls? can like touch with girls? and the girls too high till they donno what they doing? get surrounded by guys and got touch or trapped?
thats too hurting if 1 day your boyfriend saw what it happens ... it will be a very very hurtful scene...
hmm this wat i scare of my gf going clubbing and wat i expect not to happen.... but lucky my dear wont flirt with guys... hmm coz she hate guys? yup...
at first when i know her.. (my gf) she nv mention abt clubs.. and she told me she hate noise.. yup.. i was so happy! as i know she wont go clubbing type.. unlike my friend.. was so sway that her girlfriend clubs.. yes ! somemore from nus! and.. wat he told me was , 1 day when her gf go club... and he nv go due to some police case that have to be at home by 8pm.. and her gf went to club..
and the gf dance with guys and dance till so closely .... ! how did my frind know!? well he called his friend to check on her gf if shes alright... and.. her friend found that she was OUTSIDE FLIRTING WITH GUYS? OMG... so sadd... for him... hmm..
when i heared... i feel sorry for him.. i donno if they broke up.. but i know they stead very long..
there after i am afraid of my gf clubs so i nv ever mention to her abt club... till 1 day... hmmm nyjc promt night? and my dear went to club... yes... things came true..
guys surround , dance near to her friend.. or wat ever so... hais.. when i heard was like... wan to cry but nv... keep on telling myself.. its nth normal...
but.. it happen... and i can;t bluff myself for long.. i almost forget abt it... till her friend.. want to date her out to club again... yes when i listen.. i was so.. ( unable to discuribe ) i gt nth to say..
and i agreed as if i say no.. dear will also force me to go.. so no point rejecting it..
yup.. we went home and discuiss ... i told her.. if she wan to go.. yar.. she can... and silence of me.... keeping to myself.. another.. devastated day to pass.. maybe if she go , i will sleep the whole night.. till the next day.. i will pretend nth happen..
she keep on forcing me to go.. or persuade me to go... i know she wanted to go badly.. but ... i just don liek the place..
1) expensive
2) i don dance
3)i hate the guys there
4)i don wan see unwanted thigns there
5)afraid of things happen
6) cab home
7)don drink..
donno wat to do... i need to get over it.. over the scared of club..
yes 1 day i will..
when i get mad..
or when i am not me anymore.. i will club..
wel.. i told dear i wil pei her go on ladies night.. maybe more girls there? therefore the guy will choose those girl? hais.
afterall.. i don bear to see my dear put down things she like becoz of me..
i wan her to have her own happiness...
i wan her to be happy of wat she is doing...
i wan trust her fully
i am sorry baobei..
which those days i don like u go..
is becoz i love u too much...
i don wish things happen on u which no 1 knows
i treasure our relationship...
and i wan the wish to come true..
the future of us having our house with lots pets..
i love you..
Thursday, December 29, 2005
own self san bu dogs
hmms... still jobless anyway =( then that idolt keep sms me and call me ... ask issiz i working... work also nv intro.. well fcuk him! so irritated... jus wake up and nv reply him and he said i nv intro job to him.. well fcuk off.. to him.. even i get i wont tell him =)
well going have my mash potato soon =D
hmms installing new programes into my phone! and installed a game! dear like =D well i happy when shes happy =)
hmm...! alright... it begins with a very fine day... when i wake up by the noise dear make in 4am! =) kind of her to pei me and don dare to play com! lol she scare i wine and ask her sleep don play com! =D but she do this to me when i was playing maple last time =D but this time i learn from her =x i wine! and she off com and pei me.. but... she is lucky =) i know she wan to see blog so i nv wine and she come pei me! i asked her to go play =D i wan to sleep big big bed! she is happy and she went to play! lols silly dear!!
now u know how much i love u!
well soon dear sleep also =D she ask me move aside when she is sleeping also =D then we sleep! =D then... dear wake up to play again! when i jus wake ! lols confused! then went to toilet and come back =D dear tell me her secret.. then i was shocked! lol nv expect to happen... and she is suffering from it! well no other can understand it... seeing her expression it chilled down my spine! hmms.... now i can understand when it comes it hurts.. lol
.....then.. went to buy choco and some P's for dear and inventurely no use.. hmm then i think and give her eat Fanadol then shes a little better! and dear's merlion keep nag non-stop lol it resemble me of crocodile! when i was small.... she did wat merlion did.. =) well thats why i always say mothers are alike!
okokk... z meeting horse at 1... shes a little insane as i thought... spending money like using tissue.. =) use and throw.. =) take cab come to sk when she can take bus =.= saddded how i wish i were rich to get myself things i like and buy for dear things she like! lol
soo... i went to timezone and dear and her friend can shop till they drop thier teeth.. okies. i spend 2bucks in timezone lol. was hoping that it can last long. Of coz it nv.. lol
went to toilet ,see vcd,pets station walk walk walk and dear call me to go mosburger!
lol we got our seats and went to order food! so we ordered our own.. i order teriyaki chicken burger set meal;upsize fries;regular coke. total $7.05 lol so long nv eat.. and dear ordered her cabbage teriyaki chicken burger!
=D great!! the food is nice and dear lieks it too!
okie after that we went to busstop and xianglian's bus came.. she got up and we went home..
soon after the sad thing happen.. we fell asleep! then.. wake up! dinner time!
oh yea! forgetten we ate and sleep! our usual hobby! =D fats is invading us and so does kapita dogs..
then went to buy cake for her family.. 3for $2 quite worth it.. lol so dear bought 6 =.= then went to buy chocos and my CUP!!! YES FINALLY! i got cup again ^^!
that time so sad that i break it T_T
hee! dear playing my game nw! and i am blogging long long!!! =D i hope its long enough..
okie jus now when i bath some idiolt kid.. came to off my HEATER... BLOODY ASS.. well hate her to limits.. ..
anyway she left 1 chance.. and i mean it.. its irritating.. i hope dear do something abt it..
hmms i wan my mash potato! =D
tml going to my house! see chocolate!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
lols dear say today shes going to study but who will believe unless she prove to me =D hee!
well yesterday was a sad day! but nvm after tt dear cheer me up =D then we go tamp to hand her form! and then went walk walk! lol! then we go eat beef noodles .... oh well... is only i eat...
so.. dear was sitting there watching me eat.. then after i eat we went to walk again...
we went to shop and save to walk! lols then we bought facial wash!,hair remover spray! and blackhead remover! lols.. we are not ....... =x
well.. then went to take 27 and went to bai mei! =D we bought milk as we got our cereal!
then dear saw a packet of mash potato! and we see its discount so dear bought it! and i am eating now =D hO ho ho!
then dear is doing her homework lol she needs to see pricipal o.o!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
bleah read a article but it say yes it does exsit santa claus =D but i would like to see it when i was small but nv come true ... :(
but nvm =D i spend a most happiest christmas eve with dear! HO HO HO~
alright i shall start from morning! hee! dear and me wake up change bath and prepare and then go my house =D i like! then we went to take bus xD
.... ..... .... bus came then we went up find a sit! =D soon we reach my house! =D the kapita dogs x( she keep barking non stop like a sky dog X( then see chocolate the curious bunny! and army gang mice! , fat bao and buns X) and mice leader SKY =x they are all welcoming us back! =D and ok... we change them =D the beddings and bla bla bla ~ =D then we went to prepare also well i bath and change , put contact lens and everything =D vain pot~ ho ho ho ~ then silly pokerdots and me went buy snow desert and eat =D choco ICE =d then after that nice nice! walk to np! then took mrt go a lot place! like first stop np we went walk walk buy dear's bro present and then see clothes all that =D dear can't found my present =D i like! =D
then we went to orchard =D well its crowded and luckly not tt crowded than last year =D hee! okieS! then after that we went to find my bag! my present! but can't find hee dear give me choose my own present i like! hee! but... sadly no bags i like at all orchard =D
then we went to walk other shopping centre =D then also don hve we went to bugis =) then dear say i sure will found at bugis street lol i don believe! =x i went to find inside bugis shopping centre and really don have lols X) in the end we went to bugis street lol and first few store i found the bag i like!!!! =D and i really like! i wear and dear say nice =D then i take it! i ask uncle give me discount =D and from 35 become 32... then become 30.. soon i ask a $28 =D and he think... erm ok la =d even he say cannot then i will not bus =D coz my target bag was around 26-28 not over 30 =D coz i don wan spend dear too much money! coz she work so hard =D and before that we actually saw a 69 dollar bag! but dear was actually wan to buy it.. and i see le omg so ex.. if dear buy i will XIN TONG to death lols.. and i bet she is also very sad if she buy that bag =.= but lucky i don wan also =D even i like i also wont buy coz its too ex! lol my budget was actually 30? lol at MOST if VERY VERY NICE only 40 =D silly pokerdots!
then we went to buy doris's present lol we donno what to buy then we decide to buy back rebecca's present which is bag? lol then we happily choose and went walk walk walk! hee then .. night time! we went to eat!!!! but donno what to eat and think and think dear say here got swensens and! and whats the hell is lol so.. i choose swensens and dear secretly like also la =x then we went in...
lol WAIT! its long que how! nvm =) we still que lols then infront of us is big group! =D then they will have to wait! =D but we? lol we also have to wait. =.="
ok but not too long before we decide to go off... they ask table for 2? dear say yes! =D and really YES! we went in infront of them =D they saw us wenting in they was like..." ohh... my.. " they are sad to have big groups xD i like they sad! =x
then we order our food =D i ordered chilli seafood spegetti and dear ordered egg omleglet lol donno how to spell.. then we eat non stop =D hee chat and happY!!
thenn we went walk again and then we take mrt and went home we walk home and change and went to take bus! =D then reach dear;s house and
wit till 12am we celebrate and say MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! he exchange present and i hope dear like my present! =D hHOHOHO~
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
besties of racoonster and ribbonpig! =D
again! besties of ribbonoldman~ ribbonpig~
ribbonpig pig angry! ribbonangel massage!
yum yums, topless 5 =D
TOPLESS 5. half-eaten.
BLah blah blah blah.
TEE HEE! GREAT DAY TODAY! =) smiles x) dear meet me in the morning for breakfast! =D okies! well i wake up at 8.20 when i sleep around 5? lols jus becoz x) BIG BREAKFAST =DD~~
its on dear's treat! hee i like! =D but.. in the morning dear seems that can't with draw money due to untransfer of cheque =( and i thought i can't have my break fast already x( sad kids X( so i meet dear at northpoint to eat anyway =D a little happy still then dear say she got ways to treat me o.o! lol so is use ezlink cash to pay =X smart kids X) then i order my set meal and order dear's ICE MILO! xD
then after eating i was so bloated =D we walk home =D then reach my home i bring kapita out! she chase out and hug dear! lol i suspect she realy like my dear! kapita!
hmm...then noon we bought kapita go cut hair and that silly dog still happy thought where we will bring her go walk walk =D but that stupid tummy puppy =D then who knows she saw the cut hair shop she don wan to go in x( she hate cut hair lolwell she cried last time when she no hair X( heh heh... then we bring her in and cut! so 6+ went to fetch her =D
after putting kapita there we went home return sky's collar =D then went to chong pang and wash photo lol its cheap 30cent /photo where as ave2 is 70cents /photo =.= that auntie say went through water to wash... lol well whats the link i wan photo don need use water wash i thought so i decide to went to chong pang and take a look =D insane.. =D
then wash within 20mins lol fast! then went home! bath! sleep! ring ring! lol kapita ready! =D we went to fetch her =D oh yes =D we took lame photos using mimo =D like the top photos =D ribbonpig and friends lol hee!
then... went fetch kapita! then shes bota with tail hair left only lols shes happy as she saw us fetch her =D maybe she thought we abandon her? lol then she chase out and happy =D then walk home hapy =D well we thought she happy got theres tail hair left not fully bota =D
but when we reach home she sad lol myabe she realise so cooling.. and she saw her hand no fur o.o! then she sad X( dear say she got tears on her eye lol silly dog =) maybe shes vain =D well she got stupid face anyway =D
hmm! then after that went out le =D went to eat! HEE haven decide what dear should treat! =D she got her pay! so she treat! =D lastly... we choose swensens X) lols then i ordered FISH&CHIPS main course and dear order GRILLED SAMBAFISH main course lol last but no least we order TOPLESS 5 icecream =D great kids =D
then we exchange food =D hee nice xD then after eating we took photos X) topless 5 =D then pay bill and went take bus =D told dear my trip at mt ophir =D then fast! reach home =D bath and slove the stomach problem =D but now have itchy legs =D i suspect i got skin problem =D muacks!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
in the morning wake up by dear's note lol eat mee nw 10am leaving =.= so i faster grab the mee and eat =.= donno why feel very oily and i continue eat =.= well then fatser eat and stomach got oily and suffering from vomiting =.= i went to toilet and ..... it seems alright but later on when i was playing maple it feels like its going vomit any moment =.= i endure it and went to sleep =.= sleep only 45 mins wake up then cannot take it... i don wish to vomit but no choice very terrible =.= so i went toilet and squat down and PUKE! well its hot and watery with browny form of bubbles =) its disguisting i see and i continue vomit non stop =.=
lol now still a little feel sick lol got fever in the evening lols =D
well carpet bite crocodile LOL bite and run =D great =D rush and hop to her bite again lol stupid dog =D
=d well bored =D tml dear say she coming visit me =D i feel better =D i miss her X( love sicks na... cannot play a tonight don have strength to move either =.= anyway...
dear I LOVE YOU!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
hhmm went to buy food after the movie =D don get wrong its not our food its...... CHOCO,KAPITA,SKY,MICE,BAO & BUN food =D we bought over 20+ x)
hmm dear complaint blog long long! x( bleahs... then we bought buy 1 get 1 free TIMOTHY HAY XD 500g each total 1kg x) for 9bucks total =D then i went to fur pets its 13 for 1kg =D
then we bought fruit sticks for the whole pets =D we bought shoes for the whole pets too =D
bleah then some agurements with dear but now ok le =D 1 day cure =D
hmm then know my results was a LITTLE devastated =( coz i nv mantain my results and in the end i drop a little X(
but nvm still can go poly =D
then today going job interview =d and eat mac =D
bleah bleach!!
Monday, December 12, 2005
ribbonpig new pet - KAPITA
silly hmm later going to buy pets food na! then come back my house to put and then watch 9 oclock dance show XD hmm later shall go out eat dinner =D but donno what to eat na =D
well dear today got no work =D great =D then tml maybe have? hmm not sure hee
LUCKY I HAVE THE JOB =D thx to horse =D 120 =D 1 day =D great =D
lalala~ i wonder the job got break 1 a not lol =D
lol dear only care abt kapita
well going to know my result on 15 =d hope i pass with AT LEAST GPA 3.5 =( i will be happy =(
dear must wish me good luck ok =D
Sunday, December 11, 2005
hmm well seems that i nv get the 31st job and as well as the 2k job as well as all the job i interview x( none call me.. so sad...............
well will see later how =) go interview alone? or.. wat ever x( i am jobless and no money x(
well dear adopted 2 mice from my house =D the 2 naughty 1 =D escape kids and inventurely dear name them cookies and chip lol wat a name =x she only misses food so call them food name X( see later hungry keep looking at them x(
hee.! muacks dear! christmas coming =D
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
sakae sushi
then i will try my best to hit target x) each of us must eat 40 plates X) we use to eat 30 plates most =D nw we can try to hit target =D
bleahs dear is fa daiing lols x) sitting on bed hahaha... =D secretly means secretly! =D dear still donno what to wear lol oh yea our 9mth coming =D fast kids soon christmas coming =D since this feb2005 we were talking abt christmas and wanted to spend together =D and soon it comes =D
hee full filling na =D must think of what to wear na =D !
ribbonpig and ribbonboy with me nw la =D i like =D
hee! silly dumb boy~
dear enjoy her clubbing :)
anyway tml dear for work le x( hee! got money ..! er.. =x =D
Friday, December 02, 2005
ribbon BAO
hee today morning suspose to wake up and go to eat morning delifrance buffet! =D but! X( i am so so tired and i donno why =) then once i open my eyes my eye lid will force it to close =( then makes me so tired that can't even go toilet =( then finally got phone call then is my friend then i will wake up =) great only my phone mimo can wake me up after all X(
then nvm dear is devastated X( then she went to work X( but before that we make it over =D we eat student meal also =D burger king then we went to buy clothes and go home and change and bla bla bla then i faster went home and change and then i meet friend 2pm! i was like late lol then i fatsre meet and rush to city hall =) the job was liek cheating? lol my friend told me 1300 with out CPF x( in the end X( they take my CPF if i work there and it take away 200 X( then i take back cash 968 X( the working hours is 8hours X(
bleah well don really like the job there but instead i like the nike job which i interview yesterday =D great =D they give full details of the job and say till like we can start work soon but! sadly they say if we recieve a call with in 7days X( sigh~! what a happy moments with sad endings X(
then we went all the way from orchard to plaza sing and ask total of 7 jobs in 2 days X( today also X( lol went kbox again interview a lot times X) 3 total X) then no call still x) sad X)
so i say JOB hunting sucks!
bleah tml shall pei dear went eating no matter what =D DEAR USE PHONE CALL TO WAKE ME UP AND SAY NIKE CALL =D
went night cycling with dear =D then she fall down =x ops =x
have to type slowly coz dear's keyboard is noisy =x tml dear working le x(
shall visit her at night hehehe
pokerdots X)
well its werid time and i shall snatch back ribbonboy~
good night =D
9mths soon =D
Thursday, November 24, 2005
silly chuan~
she alays choke =D and she like to pretend cat =D
tml going for last paper and last day of sch x) once again i am schooless =(
lol gonna miss sch =) yup =)
going genting at night alone =D explore kids= D
silly =D going to dye hair tomorrow too =) great kids =D
Sunday, November 20, 2005
kapita aftermatch!!
just imagine a fine day when i wake up for sch x) i walk to kitchen and i saw her X) she saw me X) she suddenly CHUAN! imagine she wake up and start chuan for nth =D how stupid can she be =D
insane dogs! =D
hee secretly wake up at dear's house then went to eat MAC na! =D we eat eat eat ! yum yum!
then after that we went to take bus X) then go my house prepare and went to take 851 X) sadly reach there abt 1.45 then the blood donating SO MANY ppl X) just imagine my friend waited for 3hour+ since 11am - 2.30 X) great kids =D
i also waited very long i waited 2 hr but still haven my turn imagine total of 6 rolls and i only on the 2nd? lol and all filled with ppl? =) so i decided not to wait lol i filled the form and i decided to went off =) great kids =D
my cousin waited like 3hr+ lol when i reached there (veg buffet) lol yea organise by [Fo tang pte ltd] X) lol then was like SO HUNGRY WHEN we only ate breakfast! and we reach there 4pm? we start eat eat eat lol eat a lot rounds and rounds of rice and noodles =D
then we see pets hee dear like pets lol she saw a BABY BUNNY =D she like na =D silly bao~ if only she can have pets at home =D silly bao , we go see fei fei birds also =D
then after seeing pets we went to bus =D then buy cheapskate soya =D then went to yishun see pets =D mini carpet =D then after that =D we at home now =D silly carpet hee! lets go eat YOGURT noW =D
muackie dear! =D muacks
and kapita is a chuan dog!
Saturday, November 19, 2005
silly racoonster
her job is simple lol just give ppl try baos X) great!! i also wan eat =D but she nv ta bao X( so nv eat then after that morning i went home and she went to causeway with her friend to training X) then after that i went home and sleep X) then just nice i msg her and she msg me =D then we meet at causeway and stupid 965 is so bloody long 40mins no bus great?
bleah then meet dear when i haven bath =x ops then we went walk =x then take bus home =D dear sleeping now X) she is scare kids well my mum just kidding =D everything is find silly baobei! =D muack! =D
Friday, November 18, 2005
silly dogs
this morning wake up X) and insane dear is watching cabbage show =D then we head to eat lunch =D silyl deargot moodswing na =D
then we went to eat!
guess what X( i eat 3 food X( indian rojak
chao gu tiao and carrot cake
then we head home and ....
then i am fei fei then change and faster head to my house =D change and go GYM =D
then... we went to take bus and gym for 2hr? lol dear ass hole burnt so much cal X( i don have X( i am muscle boy X(
then silly dear walk home happily =D but saddly x( dear miss the 10mins of starting show dancE? lol then we alk super fast X) auntie also cannot win us X)
then secretly insane kids reach home and watch the show =D then sky was down! =D then she not hyperactive and carpet wan disturb X( she donno she will get beaten X( she got a wolf dog anemies in house lol...
then show finish X( then me send dear to bus stop X( sadly she take bus home X( bleah hehe! dear sad coz i nv blog but she donno i am blogging LONG LONG NA =D dear TML MAC BREAKY =D
Sunday, November 13, 2005
excerise kids
then after gym we went to khatib 848 to eat =D she eat her long tao hu i eat my bee hoon and chicken wings,fish and egg and cabbage =D and its nice =D dear full full and happy =D
i didn't knew excersise so much will make me happy =D and excerise with a partner is happy =D
dear just bath and shes playing with kapita gou gou lol.. well i shall go bath =D dear i love u ! =D muackS HAPPY KIDS! =D
Saturday, November 12, 2005
and luckyly crocodile is not at home XD she is a happy bitch =D playing with other bitches na!
hee going to bath and let dear using com heehe i suddenly blog to surprise her na =D she sure wont know i blog de na =D hee MUACK DEAR!
hee hope i will passed !
chopped my passport and defered my army =D happy =D
hee tml going eat mac with dear =D hopefully i can wake up= D donno dear got see this blog a not =D suspect she thought i nv blog =D but this blog is to surprise her =D hee muack dear!
tml tml plan day! =D muacks
i am fat X(
Thursday, November 10, 2005
she likes to eat x) she got big tummy just like mE! X) and she likes to copy what we eat x) well who donno how ribbonpig eat X) she eats the food's air xD she use her nose to smell the food XD and thats how she eats =D
she is pink colour piggy! with a pig ribbon on the neck =D thats she shes call ribbonpig~ =D she likes to pat her tummy! and she hungry easily =D
she also likes to protect her friends from being hurt! =D she always mistooken my O2mini as spongebob =.=" so she hugs and don give me back X(
hee yesterday was me and dear de 8mths! =D happy =D heE! then dear went to sch for her presentation and she was nervous =D then she came to meet me at yishun! =d and me meeting dear and i bought umbrella and we took bus home!
=D dear is secretly happy to be 8mths becoz she nv 8mths before =D
then she start talking to kapita X( kapita girl~ X( she is mense kids =(
then my bed all her mense blood =.=! how great! =D
then dear and me we watch tv =D we eat fries and do excerise X( ppl says i fat X( and i think why should i listen to them when i am happy abt fat =D just like kapita! =D dear say 1 =D she is fat and happy =D tummy puppy!
secretly insane!
=D and we eatch 7pmshow all the way to 10pm =D i like =D
then we went take bus and go home X(
oh ya i going army soon X( 6 jan X( i don like =( army boys~ but nvm i going to defer it! =d ASAP! =D today! yes i going to defer it today =D i want to go genting too much that i wan hopping to go but i scare they don let me defer =( and need to chop passport too bleahs
hee later going my house then cmpb and lavnder =D
Sunday, November 06, 2005
then went home se crocodile watching tv and i went to bath and change lol she says i got tight pants~ =( fat kids! =(
then went to change everything and go off =.= thought taking car or cab in the end take mrt lol but i was smart enough to confuse my dad and in the end we took cab =D then reach there the hotel is a high class hotel x) its " GRAND HYATT " =D hee reach there secretly donno any1 else! =) saw my uncle i everyday see 1 =.= thats the only common i know lol and some relatives whom new year always see =.= and some creatures here and there lol..
okies then went in to the ball room and sitting down =) at first theres only 3 person 1 unknown 1 father 1 hammie ... then 10mins later =.= 5 insane kids come =.= then 2 insane kids come lol.. =) make up a full sit =.= seriously i was hopping to have less ppl and so i can eat a lot SHARE! x)
but.. =x it makes it full up =.=!
SAD BoY~~~
then nvm =) i still att the food fast! =D the first dish is cold plate! well its really cold! =.=" all cold food =.= insane
lol then follow by SHARK FIN =D YUM YUM! delicious na! i ate 3 rounds of servings X) how great with extra red viniger and pepper =D then roasted chicken! =D i ate a lot secretly and the young couple start talking to me =.= lol then the young couple - female - secretly know my name! and my brother lol i donno weather is my father side or what maybe? lols
then the husband start talking to me too =.= holding on a poke phone lols X) i peep x) well losuy hp =x
dear!! hp is messeD! gorsh! kicks! X)
then eat fish! scullup and yum paste and a lot =D all almost is good food! =D
the married couple is my cousin =.= and i donno =.= how great lol and secretly in there , theres quite a lot adult whom is my relative is smaller RANKING then me =.= imagine a age 30+ must call me uncle =.= lol whats happening lol
then half way my father runs =.= left me alone but i don care i eat! LOTS AND LOTS YUMMS
then went to take mrt! =D the husband force me drink 1 wine =.= lols and i did ! yea.. i turn red chilli crab =.= whole face red lols then after desert i run =x and take mrt! then to dear's house and =D give her the choco and cake! lols X) she likes the choco na! =D
muacks!!! =D
lastly.. GOOD MORNING DEAR!!! =D 2 more days to 8mth! =D
Saturday, November 05, 2005
went to orchrd! went to plaza sing! and then we went to FAR EAST! tee hee! and we walk all the way to old far east =x secretly we are orchard dumbs =x we donno the way well =x then we get loss and went to OLD FAT EAST L O L S
then i went cut hair and find jeans before meeting herr glad i still have 1 jeans which i am able to FIT just NICE =.= the rest * shake heads* l o ls all thanks to madam tan bunny =)
well suspose to jog yesterday night but donno what happens we went in to plaza sing to walk walk and we bought half chicken at $2 =.=""" lols then we went to watch FREE show located at 2nd level of carefour lol then! we stood there and watch 3 goood man! =.= watch quite long =x then we enjoy =x
teehee after that we went home!
OH YA!! forget to mention.. the costly food =x well its at far east top lv ! its call sakura =.= bought dear to northpoint BEFORE and ask her wan to eat anot she say don wan =x she donno thats call sakura lols
TEE HEE nyway i admit its nice =) i eat beef fried rice and she ate triangle noodles =.= well actually its 4 triangle shime dumplings with normal noodles =.="
we order side dishes as well =D we ate claypot tofu and samba kangkong! =D i like the kangkong =x =x so secretly ate a lot =x left dear a bit =x
bleah! then at carefour we took pics! =D
HEE THIS IS THE PHOTO WE TOOK! =D bleahs! nice ba hee then after that before we went home dear buy me long long fish cake =.= how great! =D
then we went home hee muacks to deaR!
*URH FORGET ABT ME >:(* shout ribbonboy~
hee we took his pic too! wana seE? =x
lol ugly me =( blehs ribonboy is happy! hee maucks!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
stupid carpet =(
hmm bought her out yesterday to a park behind my house.. shes so lazy and dumb.. only wan shade and finding place to lie down..
not only dumb but stupid =.= lying on red ants and when we let her off with no strings attach she just ran away zzz and hiding at the trees call her come but she don wan and we just go offer then she chase back..
hmm then went sch for pe and teacher let me do.. i donno how to do and i anyhow do.. then no 1 came then slowly my friends came.. we slack there and wait till 10+ then actually i going and i feel hungry so i went back canteen and eat cheapskate lunch and then class cancle and wasting of time waiting for lesson should have just went home =(
hmm now going to time zone with dear and her sisters and its raining.. hmm hope it wont rain..
Monday, October 31, 2005
then left me and some friends =) then 12pm went to canteen trying to steal internet but cannot X( no 1 is using router! =
then 1pm went to class and study a while well nt study but chatting =.=
then went out of sch at 2pm! then went home! lol change and bath and the door sucks =x spoilt =x imagine the whole door being knock down by carpet =( and its metal door =( carpet is strong =(
then meet dear at khatib mrt!then we took train to yck and have my driving test
once agaib i failed lol nth special not sad at all =) lol then went to take mrt with no sense of dirrection =) how great =d we anyhow walk walk =D
ask dear a confusion question and dear is confuse!
tee hee went to marina , esplanade and a lot placE! went eat makansutra place lol we ate a medium and a small noodles lol nice X) and its $10 only we are full kids =) cheap and nice!
yum yum!
then went to walk walk to carefour and walk till 2hr =x we tok rubbish and having kiddos fun playing ice =.=" and a lot =x so funny then we rush back to mrt and bla bla bla =x
dear make for me a new blog skin!!! =D
maucks to dear!
then left me and some friends =) then 12pm went to canteen trying to steal internet but cannot X( no 1 is using router! =
then 1pm went to class and study a while well nt study but chatting =.=
then went out of sch at 2pm! then went home! lol change and bath and the door sucks =x spoilt =x imagine the whole door being knock down by carpet =( and its metal door =( carpet is strong =(
then meet dear at khatib mrt!then we took train to yck and have my driving test
once agaib i failed lol nth special not sad at all =) lol then went to take mrt with no sense of dirrection =) how great =d we anyhow walk walk =D
ask dear a confusion question and dear is confuse!
tee hee went to marina , esplanade and a lot placE! went eat makansutra place lol we ate a medium and a small noodles lol nice X) and its $10 only we are full kids =) cheap and nice!
yum yum!
then went to walk walk to carefour and walk till 2hr =x we tok rubbish and having kiddos fun playing ice =.=" and a lot =x so funny then we rush back to mrt and bla bla bla =x
dear make for me a new blog skin!!! =D
maucks to dear!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
hee the shopping centre is big and we went in to giant to buy cheap skate soya =D then.. before that i went to buy for my new phone 's a screen protector and a cover =D to prevent injuries =D how great x)
just becoz of that spend 20 =) great! then went to take bus lol any how take and end up at upp east coast lol what the heck is that bus doing =) went into to a place with no other buses =) how great! so ulu na...
then we walk and take 13 to east coast park! lol we went to eat!! and eat a lot! =D thyen walk walk to secret hidden street of east coast =) a markeT? a place full of sea foods X) then took 401 to marina parade again and take 31
and 27
and finally reach home =D great kiDS! muacks!
tired is tired out when on the bus home..
silly bao wake up so early 5am =) mad
now shes tired out lol
Thursday, October 27, 2005
kapita attack =(
secretly angry carpet when me and dear always say the same things together on time! lols we have been saying the same things on the same time since we haven met =) hee this is fate! =D
and now dear is happily talking with kapita gou gou =( and carpet is pervert always wan to get into dear's SKIRT WTH! snatch with me! =(
secretly insane dog likes to chuan and just now went to eat with dear =D we eat cheap skate cai fan! and secretly
we order 2 same drinks and while eating i realise all around our seats ppl are cheapos =D and infact more cheapos then we do!
they share 1 plate of rice! share 1 cup of water and some even worst! a family of 5 sharing 1 BIG cup of sugar cane while me and dear are having each per cup =) how great...
then we went to walk and i not looking to handphone shop =( i was total saddness abt the phone E680i =( i really like but was being scammed by the phone Zzz by who? L O L ITS FROM
BLAZING USED HANDPHONE SHOP pte ltd!! how great =)
i just wan to say =) yishun blazing sucks!
not to mention the rest of the blazing as they MIGHT be innocent as i nv buy any phone since the first phone i bought!
WHICH MAKES ME disspointed and now i realise they cheat me as the phone is not a local =) but export =) dirrectly from his mouth not to mention name saying its local set no problem 1 ai zai 9mth+ warranty 1 =)
ok i trusted him so much that i nv check the phone =) well guess what? i went to service center and knowing its engineering set with no ida =) export! =) great i hate export phone...
well don mention abt the problem =) i bought a O2 mini when i long ago wan it =D TEE HEE i am loving it! =D
muacks to dear! tee hee going dear's house after i bath and PLAN A =D
Saturday, October 22, 2005
ribbon pig
later going home to wash for mice TEE HEE then carpet is going to scream! X( she everytime saw dear , she faster bark to be free X( i knew her plan X(
silly dog kids sad nv run tee hee i nv prepare i am lazy =x i don like jog in morning either =x next week we shall run =D =D =D
Friday, October 21, 2005
secretly tan star star have tuition later X) she is secretly happy that she nv retain lol proud of her JC x) lol secretly haven bath at all since morning =x X) i am not dirty boy~!
hMm later going to dear house at 9pm! HOW GREAT =D will habve to slove the dinner my self by eating la mian~ =) and secretly dear is craving for cheap tops and not expensive tops X) how great!
then night time supper YUMMY WE ARE GOING 7-11 to eat NIGHT SNACKS! HEE I LIKE IT !!!
silly dogs is now lv 8 =) she is a little proud =) lol bleah@
miss ya deaR! starrLICKS
Thursday, October 20, 2005
=) and she secretly forget to collect specs too =D and she finally remember =)
my mum cook my dinner! and she secretly wan me eat double dinner =( ask her mum to cook my too =x and something happen yesterday x)
thanks to carpet mini netherland dwarf bunny =) secrely took off my specs and 5mins is long x( suspose to go home at 11 but! XD bunny is powerful make me pig genes and i wake at 12.30 =)
yup then night time i play maple =) and dear also create a MAPLE ACCOUNT YUPS HAPPY =) SHE NOT BORED FINALLY =D but shes a noob =X
XD nvm =D i will train heR! =D
insane kids~
then night time i play and level up 61 yups so bored to lv after lv 60 so i shall slack out and hunt items instead
morning i reach home i play a while and hunt item
sadly theres none at first but! when the moment i going off i killed a croco and * PROOF* a item drop out ! yups! my favourite SURFBOARD! =D and i target to have 3 =D i sold the 1 i found yesterday imm when i found x( was sad to leave my board but i sell at a high price 1.5m which suspose to sell at 1m - 1.3m =D extra money! yups!
then morning 6+ wake and trying to squeeze ribbonboy~ AND ribbonhead~ into my bag =x they hyperactive inside =x and squeezy =x
then reach home i realease them! and they soon sleep on my bed =D muacks muacks!
love them lots~! =D
then secretly went home play maple as well i hunt a surfboard again! =D 15mins its fast yups... being not greedy i went to bath and change and went to sch =D
total i have 3 surfboars! not intend to sell them as i have 3 char and fairly to have each 1 surfboard =D
then went to sch and they start talking abt maple zZz...... then eat lormee add lormee =D secrelty full!!
hEE!!! then went home and know something bad!
no item to hunt! hmm! nvm =D shall slack! =D
then now dear going home! HEE! happy! later after my dinner
i shall go meet her XD
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
" " lol then a bit of aguement then ok le =D secretly fast yeterday rain! =D cold!
she is gang leader she make ah lian hamsters die also X( powerful gang X(
kapita is noisy kids now she keeo barking X(
bleah later got test 3pm =D i like and going eat at chong pang! =D =D =D !!! MUACKS DEAR!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
1 min
i got cheated X(
cheated by strangers whom i trust X( and now u all know trusting leads to no good X( i don trust any strangers anymore infact take their advantage from now on X(
cheat strangers back X(
bleah X(
then yesterday dear trying to cheer me up X) and she did eat chicken rice XD and eat pizza with me XD =D =D =D i like simply go out late late and go 7-11 to eat =D hee
muacks thanks dear!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
silly silly today went sch secretly late because dear wake me up late X) how great XD hee now dear went to bath xD =D she is dumb kids... so we went to sch at 8? lol she went eat harsh brown XD
then today at sch is super lucky =D told her everything X) will blog till now XD
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
insane double dinner
secretly pig XD
at this rate i am turning into advance stage of pigs XD
plz help X(
tml sch till 3 X(
anyway good luck to dear! muacks! mylove..
Saturday, October 08, 2005
ribbon boy's share blog HEE
silly kids loves to eat sweets X) just now we buy sweets X) alot and eat xD dear has craving for roti plata now =D how great XD
hmm full full tummy lol bloated tummy!! cannot take it! XD
i am fei fei hammie
hmms tml is me and dear's 7mth =D how great =D so long le! hee hee muacks to dear
i wore dear buy me de slipper hee so su fu~! i like~ then the 3 friends ribbon puig , gou gou and racoonster was back to dear's house HEE
tml we going out! MUACKS@!
AND YESTERDAY NIGHT DEAR TREAT ME DRINK WATER =x and i treat her eat chilli strinray =D
she is ENJOY KID and she tired out yesterday and doze off lols
great! XD
then i also doze off at 3am X)
Thursday, October 06, 2005
insane mice
how great later dribing test i haven study! =D maybe later bring books go study! =D
i know i will fail so i wont be happy =D
so i will sad first X)
secretly my house got explode smell but i donno where so don borther lol
secretly dear turn into pigs and pig genes level up i suspect lol it make make me sleep from 8pm to 7.30am how great X) dear is double level up X) she still sleeping =x
lol X) she secretly got her last papaer and she is happy on friday X) HAPPY KIDS
hee muacks i love u dear good luck for yurs test
Sunday, October 02, 2005
carpet bitch
bleahs tml dear got exam hee she is studying so hard workin gnow i likE! muackie! dear good luck for yur tml test na! =D muacks! lucky kid!
=( now carpet is making her a fool lol making ppl laugh X( and snatching everything from me =( bite my hat everything so bad shes a naughty dog and oh ya i suspect my da dis insane keep giving me money when i nv ask X) today just give me 50 dollars lol just becoz he won something =.="
i shall deposite all the money =D =D=D=D X)
muackis good luck deaR!
Saturday, October 01, 2005
insane dog -> carpet =(
why? below is the 10 reason =(
1) bullys me =(
2) bite my new hat today =(
3) bite my rabbit's hanging toy =(
4) scare my hamsters to death =(
5) bully my family
6) bully my dear =(
7) pretend my room is her room =(
8) always bully sky =(
9) keep barking non stop (noise polution)
10 always chuan when she did something wrong =(
now u all know X)
Friday, September 30, 2005
chuan dogs
loves loves loves!
yup hee
dear is secretly dumb! she having BIG EXAM on monday till thursday! and shes still slacking? LOL how great! she is dumb dumb teehee snail! =D
and she forcing merlion to buy pants? lol how great!! and she wants her to buy pants! lol
and she secretly wants me to blog a lot
so i secretly FLOODED =D she have tuition later how great =D =D=D=D=D
she is tuition kids
Sunday, September 25, 2005
muacks! lol wake up not long enough on com nd start playing com X) was sleepy lol tml sch bored life again X( i hate secretly! =D 30+ days to grad! i like! =d and my cough isn't recover =D secretly SWAY? =D
ribbon boy is sleeping on the floor X( kapita kick him down i suspect X( kapita just wake up X) how great sleep so many hours! =d shes secretly kapita dog XD who likes to sleep XD
lol later going to seemovie with dear yupS! =D
she bring ribbon boy up le =D muacks! =D
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Then, siren sounds and what i saw is an ambulance again.. hmm then i think something happen again. another ppl going to pass away? or an accident? hmm so sad... life is just so weak..
went to sch yesterday and did nth productive. what i did is just eat eat eat bing bing bing! X( cannot take my fats =(
insane.. secretly merlion is tarting to nag at her childs hahaa... then later dear is going my house hmm yups! shes studyingg! later shall massage for her! =D shes a good kid an di hope she will pass her exam :D then promote to year 2! and i will be grad! and hopefully i will get into polytechnics X) i don wish to go into ITC as it sucks! X(
lalala ite life just so sucks! :D
alrights i will blog till here muacks
and dear beware of carpet X)
Thursday, September 22, 2005
news was big today.. wasn't know till dear tell me.. =( hmm his so young ... yup 17+? birthday on this sunday somemore.. hais so pathetic.. =( i hope his family will look up and continue to bless him..
lossing a child will be how sad that u will nv know how pain it is.. so i can't really feel the pain his family is feeling but. i hope they are doing fine.. =) well..
tml will be going his tamp? hmm well..
meeting dear and boonkeat anbd rebecca and a fat fat pi gu ger~ at tamp int.. hmm ..
well.. lastly.. lets have a silence min..
hmm.. reach home hav KFC to eat and that bitch thought isad and nv bully me buttt.t....
that bitch hinting me with that face to ask me to let him have the piece of CHICKEN X( but... i nv get hock by that ass hole so i faster finish up X) she got non X) FAT BITCH CARPET DOGS!
X) lol she don wan my old cap as i suspect she saw my new cap X) how great attack ribbon head when ribbon head and racoonster come visit my house X( carpet invadE! X(
heE! then went sch nth much start 9 and happily going PE AND FINISH 5pm was stupid and tired lol bleah then went home meet deaR!! and then we go buy doris present and then went home X) and take bus reach home chatting with keat and dear X)
muacks my dear i don care u fat or not coz my tummy wants to have a tummy girlfriend X)
Monday, September 19, 2005
hee today at sch my project works! =D weixian project ROX!X) then my test nv study get 65! rox too! =D insane =D
rather lucky today@
x) dear is dumb! =D she got headace and shoulder pain =D i massage for her just now =D =D =D then have dinner X) full full X) she like octupus with jia you sign! X) made in japan? lol... =D dear so cute! HEE SQUEEZE HER CHEEKS =D MUACKIES
love her to bits! =D lalala~
she show everyone my bus pass X( pretend =(
lol yups yups tml end 12! happy kiddos X)
dear is bathing now X) she misses feifeibao san~
=D tml can see her =D
muacks DEAR
Sunday, September 18, 2005
thirsty!! X(
we suspose to wake up at 3pm bath and get ready so 4pm we can move out of house! X) we thought of watching the herbie! X) bleah bleah~ silly
this morning wake up raining and cooling nice to sleep! and i sleep very early yesterday after the FUN BURNING / SETTING CAMP FIRE OF OUR OWN X) using candles? lol i like!!!! =D insane dear is dumb =D she is bathing now and she just now say will bring me water but don have X( X( X( insane~ X(
then morning went to play basketball XD we look like kiddos playing with big ball X) then play for 1hr+ and we went home =D secretly we nv bring a single cent to buy water =D
then we went home and eat =D everyday sunday also have free food =D coz we seldom go out on sunday =D and eat le we went back to sleep X) how great =D WE SLEEP AFTER EATING JUST LIKE PIGS XD
how i wish i can eat and sleep and play and eat and sleep and play and wont grow fat or don need study XD and no 1 will laugh at my FATS AND TUMMY created by STELLA X) how great!
lol,.... thirsty ger~ =D
bleahsss tomorrow have sch is rather boring~~~ its setoh again stupid kid ah pek! =(
his project i haven even finish lol just putting wires by wiress X( so long and luckly that stupid apoh's project i finish and able to work =D i guess this year's GPA i can just pass get a gpa 3.5 i happy =D how stupiud i must get a gpa 4 then i can improve if i just get a 3.5 it will pull down my results X) great? L O L
what kind of test is this mustt score full marks to maintain or improve XD
if nv will pull down =D
bleah donno i just wish faster GRAD and find a job to work! =D then can pei dear =D
heE! INSANE! =D what should i work!? =D =D =D
thirsty ger~
later we going to top up dear's bus stamp so tomorrow she don need go sch hee! i like!
then after that we will go to eunos to take bus to somewhere lol east coast park? =D =d =D today is sunday have bus na =D
muacks dear!
Friday, September 16, 2005
hee today went sch and do nth lol as project is my other members do and i will only plan X) how great@ X) my job is done lol so every friday i go sch is nth lol and then after sch i went home and get ready to go dear's house X) then reach le her mum start to nag lol then must bring what doruis and rebecca to sch stupid thing as they so big liao go sch also scare ppl molest... zzzzzz i still remember i k2 i go sch my self liao primary 1 got own key liao... zzz nonsense lol now a days kids just sucks! LOL!
bleah coughs sicking lol i hate cough X) as i cough non stop lol i going see doctor later lol how great x)_ dear pei me go i like lol =D dear must accompany me always ok? =D she is changing nonstop X) pretend going there is far and going party X) lol
but ribbon boy is sleeping as well as head :) lol oh ya before i go out i feed bao with gua zi again x) morning she snatch from bun gua zi as i feed bun lol h9ow great she roll over bun! X) bleah okok the thingy clinic going to close soon at 4pm how great! MUACKS DEAR LOL.. i hate thsi weather! X) sucks totally=D
yum yum..
today will be stayiong at dear's house X) muacks
Thursday, September 15, 2005
confuse trouble sad devastated
i have friends playing so they ask me to join..and i did as i thought i can plasy when i have free time and when ever not free i will accompany my girlfriend.
and...i meet my girlfriend almost everyday.. of coz i will wait for last bus to get home.. everynight and when i reach home.. its rather a tiring day... and i bath and i suspose to sleep but.. i nv as i tell myself i will accomapny my girlfriend 3/5 of day and 1/5 in sch and 0.5 on maple and 0.4 on sleeping and 0.1 others.
and.. i will decrease my time of sleeping when i had enough of playing.. sometimes i don feel like sleeping and play the game through out but think cannot as in the noon after sch will have to meet dear and should not be tired.. so i will sleep a little of hour and always end up late in sch..
i love my girlfriend..
and thats why i always meet her..
just something happen..
when i get home and i on my com
and chat with her..
then.. i was replying slowly..
and i get to bath
then faster come back
and chat
and also i am playing maple..
sometimes in the game i got too distracted and play till forget abt the conversation.. and.. in the end i never or late reply her..
then her nick suddenly change when i switch to tok to her..
she said she felt NEGLECTED and when the moment i saw..
i was like..
a little sad ..and i dono what to do i quit maple..
and i chat with her..
was rather sad as i NEGLECTED her and also i can't play my maple anymore..
well sure will have people like thier own things and will do only when they free or they could..
i quit maple and i tko to her.. and she was like.. ..... saying she making a big fuss ...etc and i really donno what to say i gave a single word reply.. i was sad ... real sad..
sometimes i really want to tell her.. i really like to play maple can i play? but i always scare she sad or angry and i keep to myself..
and when i know she sad i wont ask.. i will wait till mid night when i can play and she will not be sad ..
then she ask me to continue play and she log off..
i wan to tok to her and tell her something
she just went off...
i speechless
nth to say
i sms her
she wont reply me..
i call
she don pick up..
i donno what to do
sometime i really just wan to delete my account and don play anymore..
i don bear to delete it..
as i play for so long..
but if she really really don like or don wish me to play..
i will ...
will delete it..
she still have not reply me..
i guess..
i will just get to sleep ba..
Monday, September 12, 2005
1 sway thing =( i redo my project 3 times =( coz of the ic =( sway kids waste a lot time if not could have finish it =( so no choice pack up and realise =( then went back class at 1.30pm and finish at 3 and went to alison chee lesson lol must do a project about business =) total3 groups came =D so i do about selling soya bean drinks! =D then joeson group about selling of gameserver X) online gaming lol i suspect their group are maple kids X)
and dear kana rain hair she don wan bath X( bleahs =D 1 more group is about sports lol thats most boring! X) lucky i nv joib the nerdy group and set up my own group so my own group go first X) i am a good good leader X)
thenn.... heard my friend say yesterday that RP (replubic poly) cert is not that regonised in singapore lol so i decided that that poly is out in my choice X) i seriously hope i can enter SP or NA X) how great! X) nyp is ok ba but TP i don really wish to go =( lol but who cares i wana go TPJC! =x with dear na! =D =D =D
lalala~ hMm.. sian wor~ going to GRAD!!!! lol happy! finally going to finish le~ and...i nth to blog le lol... but i promise dear to blog long long~ hee yesterday dear's mother bought for me cough medicine na i like! =D then i eat le x) pretend her mother is my mother X) treat me good and nag at dear for not taking care of me how great lol!!! bleah
okok ba nth to say le muacks dear
hee muack
Saturday, September 10, 2005
6mth S!!!!
6mths of understanding of each other X) we know each of ourself better and whats wrong and whats right we will try to settle down :) seriously :) i donno what i saying from the first sentence lol coz this keyboard of some ass hole in my family sucks stupid keyboardX)
i prefer my ketboard X) carpet i suspect when u see this blog u can come and kiss me on my forehead X)
how great stay at dear house yesterday and her father went explode :) becoz of who? don need say its doris X) how great!!! its always been doris kid! X(
bleah then this morning wake at 8am and wash up and play com X) nth to do as i keep coughing cannot sleep X) and hot kids =D insane fan i prefer my AIR COOLER X) yups!
hmm then today noon bath and change and went eat 2pc chicken meal hee! got FEI FEI CHICKEN fROM KFC NA I LIKE as got ppl birthday party hee i like! lalala~ then we ate the meal and get out butts off as got pplwan to sit =x i not black hearted as i know got ppl wan to sit and i don wan to let them sit! X) @_@!!
then went to take mrt to toa payo and change 28 and we HEADED TO SPCA!!!!
hee first time go there!
yupps! excited!
then i nv sway till my finger point the sky and say going rain and it started to rain heavely and when we alight and no rain i say haha no rain then in the end it start pouring again X( i am sway X(
sway boy~
hmm then we both got wet of coz and we like kids go in happily and see pets then inside got SKY X) breed la =x not real sky and we sayang na hee then we touch touuch and at first we don know can go in and in the end we see ppl going in and we follow X) how great! got big dogs! and small dogS and of coz middle dogs X) but luckyly theres no carpet breed! HEH!
then we went to visit poker dots milo X) a female who like eat choco! X) smell choco tops from dear's bag and snatch it LOL X) lucky got me X) i protect X) cARPET! hee
then went out safely and went visit cats! L O L then sayang all cats and cats rubbing my legs X)and went see rabbits and hamsters X) i always thought its big but its small afterall lol a small place for those pets? =}
silly kids then went in to last dog! and got bite at my pants as got cat's smell =( the big naughty stated super friendly bite me =( sadded...
and dear got scratch by cat as the milo choco dog lick dear face L O L so we both got injured by animals X) shes cat i am dog X) wwe are injured X)
then took bus home
and went toa payo and walk walk wlak and buywater pretend ah pek and mrt to yishun and bla bla bla take bus and homee sweet homE X)
muacks hee i love my dear!
happy 6mths!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
sleepy kids
silly silly carpet turn into weak carpet X) wont chuan X) as shes a bota kids na! X) bota carpet ger~ lalala~ hee BotA geR~ o.o!
hmm tml got apoh lesson ! =( bored kids =( have to wake yp 7.30am! =( i of coz knew i will sleep late and wake late X) how great! hee! going to finaly exam and i was like lazy? L O L and slack! so i must start to bark up! X) i just finish my design of a circuit anyway! =D hope it workks!!! HEE!! and i wanted to sleep now! BLEAH! dear sleep till so cute don wish to wake her up na =D =D =D chuan chuan chuan!!!! hee dear dear deaR! =D muacks!!!! =D =D =D !!!
hee tml finish sch i will buy dear her favourite HOT HOT CHILLI CHICKEN RICE KIDS! X) she will sure like it as i prepare to make her hot tongue X) hot till she complaint na! hee..!
alright~ tml have to see apoh again~ apoh ger~ =( muacks dear forehead! good might my deaR!
M U A C K!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
steam steam boat!
ribbon head hyper active! X) ribbon boy and deariee and of coz my besties X) i like na! and not forgetten X) gou gou, and our son RACOONSTER!! and little hammie! and moomoocow~ XD heE! i like i like! so many friends when i come to deariees house X)
lalala~ wake up at 10.45 X) not pig X) lol then i went to brush teeth and bla bla bla and we play com and do blog skins and a lot X) of coz WE ATE LOR MEE LOR MEE LOR MEE! =x X) then we play cards! sleep! play cards! sleep! l o l X) and finally 6+ we start our STEAM BOAT! HEE!!
its dear's brother birthday na! =D carpet chuan dogS! X) we ate a lot things X) we are not pigs that we finish the whole pot of rice , whole pot of soup! and a lot of other vegetables and meat X) how great! lol!!
then we ate prawn! and a lot X) although no more soup X) clever hammie pour plain hot water and put a lot of ingredients and prawn and form out nice soup again X) how great carpet stella =)
after a long hour of eating~! we won X) me and dear were the last 2 X) we not full seriously X) we went to buy polky X) hee! then buy choco HL milk X) and drink the qwhole 1L X) how great carpet can do! X) then play cards and lie on dear's brother room and we play dai deE and then tok tok and donno why fall asleep X) secretly theres pig genes in dear's whole house how great! L O L
i like! hee then i took bus home and sms with deaR!
then went home 1 bitch with straigh legs start to rush out at the door when i open door X) she use her big leg and paw me =( i don like then chase and bang me =( then i just wan to put bag she block my way =( i go bath she don let me go =( use her pillow or can i say its my and she throw at me =( then bite run away =( see! its CARPET BIG FEET STRAIGHT BITCH na!
X( see complaint to dear! =( charge carpet ah! =( straigh bitch na~
muack dear!
then bath le tok tok with dear now and i am blogging long long na~ hee! muackie! tml dear's holiday start le! =( tml got apoh sch =( hate na~ =( =( =( muack muack must wake up early! =D!
love dear!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
bed time story
x) deariee paste her all over x) bleah~
suspose to go sch and dear wake up late so X) i also wake up late l o l how great X) anyway all my class ppl also nv go X)
then afternoon dear went to my house x) we have plan X) we order pizza hut X) how great~! =D hawaian and curry chicken X) i like X) so full full na and =x something bad happened X) my wallet lost and lucky some kind soul picked up and return to the woodlands police station and thank god i got my wallet back in peace and yes ot even a single cent loss :) how great =D
well really THANKS to the MAN or LADY who found my wallet =)
hee! then back to my house and bring carpet down to a walk and guess what carpet at first very good but who knows when reaching bus stop shes like a hyper active bitch and can't get hold of her X) how great X)
active bitch! X) yea~! then dear went home for tuition and the tutor was late? =) and end early? how great! X) then now staying at her house X) heE! i like! muack!
tml have to go home before 12.30 X) computer man come~ =D =D =D muackie! SCV girl~~
love dar!muackS
forever love~
09/09/05 coming~~~
8 days more!
Monday, August 29, 2005
chuan kids
silly kids its so damn hot today donno why i am sweating like cow now and dear is sleeping like kids now with the pillow gang and ribbonboy X) best is she got the FAN X) i am sweating with drips of white salty water X)
how great carpet wants me to blog long long so she can go bath and whats the link? l o l she said she will wake up annd go to bath X) sweaty girl l o l how great~ lalala
i will sue magic to make myself cool =)
lalalal today went to sch and know my percentage of attendence is 83 was normal l o l i only like 4 day nv go X) how great X) lol lalal bored kids...
tml is apoh borinGG~ hai 2 more months to grad and get out of ITE as i am real sick of it =)
how great suffer for 2 more months!! i can do it! =D
yes yes yes! x)
lalala my whole shirt is going to wet X) how great
but i don care i going home to bath HEHEHEHE X) sweat can burn fats too X) so i shal let it burn all =D
tight pants girl~
lastly i nth to say l o l 9/9/05 is coming? guess what day? its 6mths HEE I LIKE =D muacks!
l o v e
Sunday, August 28, 2005
carpet paw
stella dear is dumb kids X) she went to grand pa house X) and eat X) pretend no ppl X) in the end 4 families how great X) l o l X) hee!
gave dear her GIANT lolipop from GIANT hammie na~ :D hee and she likE! X) silly kids 2 days + nv see me was so sad and when i went home and change and go her house she see me and hug and cry! silly *HUGS*! hee so gan dong! =D
muackie deaR! X) we going 6 mths le! =D heE! hAPpiE! X) well well well... =x sch is boring~! and tml got dame sch X) lucky no ahpoh how great X)
hmM was quite a little tired l o l as come back from chalet is always like that X) lucky got TAXI and that bomber treat =) after all he still owns me cable and god damn stupid ass nokia care is a dumb company i will write shit on them and nokia care centre in CAUSE WAY POINT just simply sucks to the core =) fixing a phone with 4weeks and still not ready how great like i say thier service just sucks to the max core =)
what ever lol shit to nokia care in woodlands =) sorry for other centres but no mean to scold nokia but to the god damn causeway nokia care centre=)
lallaa~ think of time i am going to grad soon~ november? L O L X) so fast 2mth + X) then say bye bye to my ite friends ~
haa ~! then i will go poly! X) HOPE i can go la theres no 100% can go but i hope i can X) as my aim is to get a free laptop X) go mac can play when i go dear house and when she is tuition on friday =) OPS =x
silly kids! XD dear is rather a little dumb today =) went to find her brother birthday present X) we got nth to buy so we think of buyuing a maple cash shop item card l o l how great =D
hee ! so bored =) my maple is leveling so SLOW now still 37 how great but tonight must be 38 =x bleah~ later 10+ maybe will go jog depends X) bleah i miss my dear and muacks! hee!
Monday, August 22, 2005
a little sway?
lalala~ stay at dears house since friday till tuesday :) tomorrow got HEARTLANDERS and full circle and shooting stars! hee i start to like seeing TVS again :) how great~! and yea my brother suscribe the SCV! from starhub! heE! got a lot shows!!
and yea my maple account is only lv 33=.= will be lv 35 by tomorrow when dears schooling! :) how great! then when can i be 40? l o l ~!!
lalala dears a little dumb! and i missing her! shes packing she is pakcing her worksheet l o l ... ;) so many files can't take it :) lalalala~~
drunk 2 package of sugar cane drink :) hee COLD COLD I LIKE! XD
lalla~ dear's brother also got play maple! hee! and i suspect his a little addicted like me last time x)
and dear is SO HARD WORKING! l o l in the middle of the night do homework! and silly girl yesterday i occupy the whole bed and she got no bed to sleep but to pull out the bottom bed =.=" how great!
hee! :X
tomorrow going to JIAN FEI X) i hate my hats X( ppl pointing at me and say i fats X(
bleahrun run run run!! HEE MUACKS!@
Thursday, August 18, 2005
and who knows X) when bao and bun were both injured by the 3 big gangsters hamster X) living in the blue cyber cage X) bao and bun 2 kind hearted hamster were being bullied by them:)
kind soul master giant hammie saw and faster rescue them :) thank god bao and bun were both save :) 3 ah lians hamster were naughty till they tend to bite humans :) how great :)
they were being punished for no food :) inprison for long live :) but thank to giant hammie whom give them food in the end and even toys to play with :)
though they still naughty but giant hammie never punish them anymore as bao and bun were both recovered X)
BAO even gain up to half of its usual size X) bun grow up to half times the size :) and there came the choco stella X) making bao run run run to slim down and when ever bao rest X) choco stella will start to feed her with gua zhi X) and after long ..... choco stella call her gua zhi ger~~ :)
X) stories ended X)
yesterrdayyyy testttt got 63/100 X) just a little sad and happy X) never study X) can pass X) pass not very good X)
bleah and me and friends talked at class and having test X) copying ans right in teacher face X) not me only but whole class X) teacher cant do anything X) and we tok abt the apoh X) she simply sucks to the core :) i hate her face and she got ATTITUDE.. :) no wonder so many ppl hate her :) so do i and the other nerds :) i tok to my friend say next year going poly is very hard when we got this kind of teacher =( she sucks! =( i scare i can't go poly... but itry to make setoh exam get good marks!!!!! X)
anyway left 3month+ :) hope everything goes find and my GPA will AT least get 3.8 still.. :) or minium also give me a 3.5 i will be happy.. :)
bleah i love my dear X) and she sneezing X)
hee muacks!
i care i miss i love
Sunday, August 14, 2005
well nokia care centre hotline just sucks! =) nokia please do something about it!! get more operatorS!!!!!
bleah waste my time la.. =( X) carpet chuan kids is stella tan X)
she loves to self services girl~ X) wake up at 7? l o l play com and idonno? X) i was sleeping away X) how great kid x) hee
lalala dear loves yishun X) just bring her to 1.50 chicken rice X) my school chicken rice pricE? l o l hmm no is cheaper X) my sch sell 2 dollars X) and dear loves the chilli na :D hee dear eat a lot chilli and surprise that dear EAT FINISH THE WHOLE CHILI X) I L I K E X)
hee and dear let carpet lick me early in the morning~ :D
Friday, August 12, 2005
plan A
lalala~ i miss her X( she sleeping na =( big pig genses na X)
hee friday pig gense girls~ muacks i love u!
carpet chuan
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
lol lalala i am dumb nth to do so play maple a while.. now bored so blog~! x) and yea i change hp l ol to my s700i X) the usual 1 X) now i have 2 good phones X) lalala and dear is dumb lo... l o l
tomorrow going to the ndp at tamp~! X) heart lands X) hope its going to be fun na!~ lol.. lalala~
was a little sad as my cousin all said wanted to go but in the tke back their words and the tickets.... were already there .. =( what a irresponsible kids =( should not have gave them =( bleah forget it l o l ..
lalala HAPPY NATIONAL DAY~!!!!!!!!!!! =D 40th!!! =D HAPPY 5th MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hee... lalala i miss my dear! with pig genese~~
Saturday, August 06, 2005
pig gense
then who knows i failed my basic theory test hais... forget it.. i nv book but see how first.. nto in a hurry also.. think before even if i pass got money to buy caR? =( bleah!
hmMs then today whole day at home bored... dear miss me like insane and don wan be sad and she went to sleep =.= silly gal~ *Hugs* i will always be with u carpet gal~ X) i love u!
heee then. night 8+ i leave home and reach dear house at 9 and she still under tuitioning.. l o l ....
so i waited then dear pei me go eat omg i am obese eat 2 meals for dinner =( i am fat =(
bleah... dear cannot leave me,, =(
well.. i am sweating like cow and the fan is blowign dear L O L she is sleeping kids
i nv pretend my own house and pourwater for myself X)
bleah dear going CIP tomorrow =( then i will be going home sleep =( then evening meet ct2k and went to joeson's birthday.. silly kid.. dear will be going see pretend malay girl dance and her friend's father's chalet.. l o l .. whats the link X) pretend she know father L O L
lalalala sunday pei dear go watch C H A R L I E A N D T H E C H O C O F A C T O R Y
tuesday national day is our 5mth! :D
happy 5mth dear!
Friday, August 05, 2005
basic theory test
dear make my whole face red =( when suspose to make her red =( we bought a very disguisting sake , a japan volka lol whats the link~ =D
i miss my dear! hee today promise her plan A na.. =D pei her =D just realise this whole week. since last weeks's friday till today plan A =D only wednesday nv =x byt it nearly plan A =d silly girl~ hee she marking my own test results na.. =D carpet kids =D i really hope i will pass tomorrow na =D wish me all the best..
hm today went sch late l o l and it rain~ i like~ =D silly kids sad coz she nv get her timing 13mins for 2.4 l o l =D
i love dear!
Monday, August 01, 2005

dear say reach home call her.. l o l but pig genes pull her together... =(
bleahs i miss her.. lots lots..
dear is dumb na.. HEE... i miss dear so so so much =(
then morning we went to jogging na~! after noon we go hougang and see phones shopping na~ laugh like idiot all the way X) she is a happy kids na..
lalala~ first pic is my friends all 10 guys~ HEHE... =) we all eating happily na~!~~!
lalala~~ msgging with dear also na~ hee! i also went to cityhall see choco faster take give dear na =D i love deaRSSS
dear.. i love u more and more
hee! 5mths coming..
eat steam boat just now eat till i die na.. can;t take it na!=D
hee then eat 2 ice cream.. l o l ..
x) then went drink and tok tok play true or dare.. then go home X) have lots fun today.. =D
~~ lalala~
Sunday, July 31, 2005
sleep genes~
okies... shall blog for yesterdays and todays
hmm yesterday around noon i went home :) dear bought me a sweetly lolipop hee.. and i ate it X) i like it a lot =D its COLA favour~! :D hee... then i reach northpoint i decide to get down to see phones.. =) my usual old hobby is to see phones phones and phones... l o l i donno but i like to see =) ask prices and chat but not buying lol.. how great... thats why i know lots of shops l o l what a kid..
and suddenly theres a strange creature sitting under me eating chilli sauces.. =) how great,,, =)
shes wearing in red and a purple skirt with long hair..
and dear is still sleeping like a pig~ =) how great..
lalala yesterday went to sell away my 7210 and e398 =) l o l my bank seems to be ampty so i went to sell to reload it.. l o l ...
what a kid =) miss my dear a lot...=) later is going to pengxiong's birthday... well steam boat? l o l not sure? =) next week is joesons? lol..
well dear is going to miss me like insane kids =( but.. =( bleah i miss her more!~
hee then yesterday bought dear HL choco milk na~ then went up to her house and sleep zZzz WITH OUT BATHING X)
then morning!8am! l o l went to jog! =D then i jog 2 rounds with out stopping na~ =D and do 60 sits up and 5 pull ups na.. =D i like na~ =D
then... come back and eat! and nearly fall asleep! =D and dear is dumb kids =)
she don wan bath =)
later going out na... l o l and maple is boring =.= l o l ..
lastly.. i love u .. going 5mth le! jia you!
Saturday, July 30, 2005
heee then we went to sleep.. and morning 8.30 something happen.. =( bad bad thing happen! =( i also can't take it... its her mother nagging power... its too powerful to describe... i can't take it..
hais... its still so naggy.. =( dear can't take it.. hmm... silly kids.. well well well.. i donno what to say abt her mother.. =( morning already nag.. worst then crocodile.. hais..
if she my mother i think i would have give her a tight slap.. =)
bleah later dear is going the ance performance thingy.. lol can't take it..
dear is lazy to pay the money 12bucks for stupid thingy ticket when its at old school and old hall =.=
well my is at least better =x 7 bucks for high class theather.. =D
its raining soon i hope it wont rain and don let dear walk in the rain =(
later i will be at home =.= then wait till dear ok.. hmm then plan A again X)
silyl dear is stress hais..
bleah just wan let her know i love her and will be by her side =)
Thursday, July 28, 2005
lemon sweets

Boo~! lalala~ dears favourite na.. :D think i dono hee... dear recently so tired wor never sleep at all.. only sleep 2 hours =( which not counted =( she never sleep de and keep running and doing excerise =( sits up and all =( i don like =(
she never rest then wan make her self tired out and now after eat she sleeps =( bleahs...nvm hmmi will try to stop her.. :D hee..
dear and me going 5mths le wor.. hee.. :D 5mths is a lot to me le :D i like :D hee..
dear is so tired wor.. hmm bleah maybe i shall not disturb her and let her sleep..!
today at sch also quite boring =.= we play nuggets and joeson is the banker =D and who knows... at first i loss ... 1 or 2 nuggets.. then i donno what luck bang into me... i win 16 nuggets in the end.. black jack for how many tiems .. hmm should be 5? L O L well what ever..
hee.. tomorrow is plan A and saturday will be bring dear to simlim to collect my things and then! to marian south and eat steam boat na~ :D dear's favourite nor.. hee
bleah.. i donno what to blog le wor... lalala... i love m ydear!
hee muacks
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
bleahs... hee i love my dear! muack muack!
Monday, July 25, 2005
lalala~ dear is dumb~ hmm~ today went sch and saw setoh from 9am to 10am l o l then he disappear after that as he went to hospital for check up i think =) then the lesson at 1pm is his and so we never go as he also nv come and comes with a relief teacher.. =) that botak uncle =) so we never go the lessons after that =)
then we went home.. and that idiot pengxiong.. say wan buy my phone i sell him and hewan.... but then in the end.. he sms me say don wan le.. and think i donno he justy wan use the phone good a not.. and not good then return me.. i knew it.!
but forget it.... i wont sell my phones to any friend even though they offer high price!bleah!~
but i still like my giant bleah bleah pencil case X) what a silly kid! :D dear today went to my house nor.. then play with carpet accompany me cut hair~ :D then bla blah~ hee! still sleeping =) can't take it..
tomorrow is apoh lesson boring~ starts 8 end 12 =) how great then collect my phones and also my cd rw drive~ :D how great~
hee alright its boring yea.. muacks deariee
good morning~

hee..!yesterday which can say today :D went out with dear at afternoon 3+ wor.. hee! we went to campass point to eat! X) the mini steam boat hee dear like to eat the spicy 1 think i donno! =x then before that we went to buy ice blended with pearls X) niceS X) then the auntie think funny.. give me money when i haven pay X) so i accept X) i not purposly accept but i am blur so i accept =xXx although i know =x but its rude that never accept ppl givings X) carpet=D
then.. faster run =x then went eat as i mention then went to buy CHOCO WAFFLES X) with extra cripsy and EXTRA CHOCO cream X) i like na! hee.. see dear happy i like! :D
then went to take 27 and reach tamp le.. play super mario on the way X) scare le ba X) dear is kinda lousy playing old sch games X) l o l what a KID X)
then reach le hee dear bring me go there! i donno where
i am confused! so many ppl =.= sales sales everywhere @_@ and worst.. X) FOOD FESTIVALS NA... X) dear can;'t take it too many food heE! dear like! and we nv stop buying foods to eat =x then.. went to wallet shop =x i bought a giant pencil case! =x heE i love the giant pencil case na its bigger then dear's 1 =x i like! :D flooded with pens L O L and i love my favourite dear's pencil hee.. she buy for me! :)
hee dear wants me blog blog long na~ :D okie! hee now sending photos to my com.. and i change hp again =x L O L what a kid =x lalala dear is happy that tomorrow got no EXAM X) how can like that let her happy =x she trying to say slacking is part of the job to success in JC X) but ... her class seems =x erm.. worst then ite? =x
bleah! the pencil case's name X) and went to see a lot of shop =x like a shop contain FAT RACOOON X) L O L I LIKE!!!! THE TAIL WITH FAT FAT DE STRIPS! :D seducing me to pull na! :D then another shop contain lots lots RACOONSTER L O L well nv try to say horse is sway X) the racoonster is now sale at 2.30 =x usual price 7.90 =d :D racoonster twins friends ... l o l ..
then! i am not sway till...
1) went into metro and once i step into the entrance X) guess what? l o l the air con break down and making noisy noise pretend is i am sway that it spoilt when i come in X)
2) went into shop and save , just grab 1 save bottle of barley and thought its tight and i turn .. it leak out and all my hand is the sweet sticky juice :) how great..
3)went to yamaha and play a while.. ppl keep following me and ask me Q.. that i can't run away...
4) went into popular.. i tell dear will it beep beep beep when i walk out when we nv did any bad things.. =) then we walk out nth happen. =) but once walk out for 3 steps... it BEEP BEEP BEEP... =.= how sway..
lol see ? :) i am no mole kid ! :D
things i am lucky :)
1) went to buy ice blended and the auntie give me money when i haven even pay =) she give me 3.20 bucks.. l o l
2) while walking i heard money drop l o l i turn and saw ppl looking for the $1 coin and i faster pick up and walk off =x
3) SUSPOSE TO sleep late and no bus lucky my parents call and just nice 11.10 can catch last bus l o l ..
4)reach home safely that dear wake up! >:D
hee see..? l o l no mole is lucky kid :D
hee went to shops and dear like a bag! so when dear turn away~ i ask the sales person to get me a new 1 =x then thought can surprise that ass hole... but.. =) she knew it long ago =) and pretend shock when i give her =x ...
always fail to surprise her =( next time i catch crocodile to surprrise herrr =(
bleah! dear is dumb kid ... l o l i love her!
she got 1 new bag
igot 1 new pencil case
oh ya.. 1 new box of screw drivers =.=
lol.. dear is this blog long? L O L I MISS U Na.. muackieS