Sunday, July 31, 2005
sleep genes~
okies... shall blog for yesterdays and todays
hmm yesterday around noon i went home :) dear bought me a sweetly lolipop hee.. and i ate it X) i like it a lot =D its COLA favour~! :D hee... then i reach northpoint i decide to get down to see phones.. =) my usual old hobby is to see phones phones and phones... l o l i donno but i like to see =) ask prices and chat but not buying lol.. how great... thats why i know lots of shops l o l what a kid..
and suddenly theres a strange creature sitting under me eating chilli sauces.. =) how great,,, =)
shes wearing in red and a purple skirt with long hair..
and dear is still sleeping like a pig~ =) how great..
lalala yesterday went to sell away my 7210 and e398 =) l o l my bank seems to be ampty so i went to sell to reload it.. l o l ...
what a kid =) miss my dear a lot...=) later is going to pengxiong's birthday... well steam boat? l o l not sure? =) next week is joesons? lol..
well dear is going to miss me like insane kids =( but.. =( bleah i miss her more!~
hee then yesterday bought dear HL choco milk na~ then went up to her house and sleep zZzz WITH OUT BATHING X)
then morning!8am! l o l went to jog! =D then i jog 2 rounds with out stopping na~ =D and do 60 sits up and 5 pull ups na.. =D i like na~ =D
then... come back and eat! and nearly fall asleep! =D and dear is dumb kids =)
she don wan bath =)
later going out na... l o l and maple is boring =.= l o l ..
lastly.. i love u .. going 5mth le! jia you!
Saturday, July 30, 2005
heee then we went to sleep.. and morning 8.30 something happen.. =( bad bad thing happen! =( i also can't take it... its her mother nagging power... its too powerful to describe... i can't take it..
hais... its still so naggy.. =( dear can't take it.. hmm... silly kids.. well well well.. i donno what to say abt her mother.. =( morning already nag.. worst then crocodile.. hais..
if she my mother i think i would have give her a tight slap.. =)
bleah later dear is going the ance performance thingy.. lol can't take it..
dear is lazy to pay the money 12bucks for stupid thingy ticket when its at old school and old hall =.=
well my is at least better =x 7 bucks for high class theather.. =D
its raining soon i hope it wont rain and don let dear walk in the rain =(
later i will be at home =.= then wait till dear ok.. hmm then plan A again X)
silyl dear is stress hais..
bleah just wan let her know i love her and will be by her side =)
Thursday, July 28, 2005
lemon sweets

Boo~! lalala~ dears favourite na.. :D think i dono hee... dear recently so tired wor never sleep at all.. only sleep 2 hours =( which not counted =( she never sleep de and keep running and doing excerise =( sits up and all =( i don like =(
she never rest then wan make her self tired out and now after eat she sleeps =( bleahs...nvm hmmi will try to stop her.. :D hee..
dear and me going 5mths le wor.. hee.. :D 5mths is a lot to me le :D i like :D hee..
dear is so tired wor.. hmm bleah maybe i shall not disturb her and let her sleep..!
today at sch also quite boring =.= we play nuggets and joeson is the banker =D and who knows... at first i loss ... 1 or 2 nuggets.. then i donno what luck bang into me... i win 16 nuggets in the end.. black jack for how many tiems .. hmm should be 5? L O L well what ever..
hee.. tomorrow is plan A and saturday will be bring dear to simlim to collect my things and then! to marian south and eat steam boat na~ :D dear's favourite nor.. hee
bleah.. i donno what to blog le wor... lalala... i love m ydear!
hee muacks
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
bleahs... hee i love my dear! muack muack!
Monday, July 25, 2005
lalala~ dear is dumb~ hmm~ today went sch and saw setoh from 9am to 10am l o l then he disappear after that as he went to hospital for check up i think =) then the lesson at 1pm is his and so we never go as he also nv come and comes with a relief teacher.. =) that botak uncle =) so we never go the lessons after that =)
then we went home.. and that idiot pengxiong.. say wan buy my phone i sell him and hewan.... but then in the end.. he sms me say don wan le.. and think i donno he justy wan use the phone good a not.. and not good then return me.. i knew it.!
but forget it.... i wont sell my phones to any friend even though they offer high price!bleah!~
but i still like my giant bleah bleah pencil case X) what a silly kid! :D dear today went to my house nor.. then play with carpet accompany me cut hair~ :D then bla blah~ hee! still sleeping =) can't take it..
tomorrow is apoh lesson boring~ starts 8 end 12 =) how great then collect my phones and also my cd rw drive~ :D how great~
hee alright its boring yea.. muacks deariee
good morning~

hee..!yesterday which can say today :D went out with dear at afternoon 3+ wor.. hee! we went to campass point to eat! X) the mini steam boat hee dear like to eat the spicy 1 think i donno! =x then before that we went to buy ice blended with pearls X) niceS X) then the auntie think funny.. give me money when i haven pay X) so i accept X) i not purposly accept but i am blur so i accept =xXx although i know =x but its rude that never accept ppl givings X) carpet=D
then.. faster run =x then went eat as i mention then went to buy CHOCO WAFFLES X) with extra cripsy and EXTRA CHOCO cream X) i like na! hee.. see dear happy i like! :D
then went to take 27 and reach tamp le.. play super mario on the way X) scare le ba X) dear is kinda lousy playing old sch games X) l o l what a KID X)
then reach le hee dear bring me go there! i donno where
i am confused! so many ppl =.= sales sales everywhere @_@ and worst.. X) FOOD FESTIVALS NA... X) dear can;'t take it too many food heE! dear like! and we nv stop buying foods to eat =x then.. went to wallet shop =x i bought a giant pencil case! =x heE i love the giant pencil case na its bigger then dear's 1 =x i like! :D flooded with pens L O L and i love my favourite dear's pencil hee.. she buy for me! :)
hee dear wants me blog blog long na~ :D okie! hee now sending photos to my com.. and i change hp again =x L O L what a kid =x lalala dear is happy that tomorrow got no EXAM X) how can like that let her happy =x she trying to say slacking is part of the job to success in JC X) but ... her class seems =x erm.. worst then ite? =x
bleah! the pencil case's name X) and went to see a lot of shop =x like a shop contain FAT RACOOON X) L O L I LIKE!!!! THE TAIL WITH FAT FAT DE STRIPS! :D seducing me to pull na! :D then another shop contain lots lots RACOONSTER L O L well nv try to say horse is sway X) the racoonster is now sale at 2.30 =x usual price 7.90 =d :D racoonster twins friends ... l o l ..
then! i am not sway till...
1) went into metro and once i step into the entrance X) guess what? l o l the air con break down and making noisy noise pretend is i am sway that it spoilt when i come in X)
2) went into shop and save , just grab 1 save bottle of barley and thought its tight and i turn .. it leak out and all my hand is the sweet sticky juice :) how great..
3)went to yamaha and play a while.. ppl keep following me and ask me Q.. that i can't run away...
4) went into popular.. i tell dear will it beep beep beep when i walk out when we nv did any bad things.. =) then we walk out nth happen. =) but once walk out for 3 steps... it BEEP BEEP BEEP... =.= how sway..
lol see ? :) i am no mole kid ! :D
things i am lucky :)
1) went to buy ice blended and the auntie give me money when i haven even pay =) she give me 3.20 bucks.. l o l
2) while walking i heard money drop l o l i turn and saw ppl looking for the $1 coin and i faster pick up and walk off =x
3) SUSPOSE TO sleep late and no bus lucky my parents call and just nice 11.10 can catch last bus l o l ..
4)reach home safely that dear wake up! >:D
hee see..? l o l no mole is lucky kid :D
hee went to shops and dear like a bag! so when dear turn away~ i ask the sales person to get me a new 1 =x then thought can surprise that ass hole... but.. =) she knew it long ago =) and pretend shock when i give her =x ...
always fail to surprise her =( next time i catch crocodile to surprrise herrr =(
bleah! dear is dumb kid ... l o l i love her!
she got 1 new bag
igot 1 new pencil case
oh ya.. 1 new box of screw drivers =.=
lol.. dear is this blog long? L O L I MISS U Na.. muackieS
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
sponge bob
today wake up at 9.30am while lesson stars at 8am how great X) teacher is looking for me in the mornign and i not purposly late X) anyway something happen yesterday X) well don mention it hahaha......
and something HAPPY happen too X) how great ... wont say out either X) hahaha
X) well today morning go sch then at canteen saw teacher apoh and she tok to me =.= i tok back nonsense to her X) shes is cheapskate wont give me free drinks =( what e hell ~~~ :D
carpet loves me i knew it :D today raining so carpet sleep~! and never paw me X) then she idiot sleep and don care me =( then bunnies's new owner came to fetch them =( kiss them before they go =( miss them .. hmm.. and heard the owner got a big garden for them to hop around~ heE! i like! hope they are happy =( bye micky , chilli and ketchup =( miss u lots =(
bleahs then.. after that i went out to dear's house X) fetch her first of coz hee.. raining she got ulcer =( don like =( sayang her and buy something soft for her to eat =( dao shuan =( bleahs then went to rivalmall to walk walk and went to her house... =) heard she fail her chem and phy... bleah its nth special =x she nv use to pass any of JC's science =x
muacks dear going 5th month na... u like na.. hee love u lots..
Sunday, July 17, 2005

carpet stella~! hee full full... found my self to be 71kg after steading with her for just 4mths X) how great =) gain 10kg =) lol... prove how pro she is =)
bleah just eat 1 full burger , 2 pork forst... HEE full kids!
today morning wake up at 7+ its so early! l ol then x) we play... then after that... we sleep... l o l then eat breakfast/lunch then we sleep again l o l was thought to go campass point but~!!! dear fall asleep and call her wake up but she ignore me =.= then no choice i sleep also =x then wake up call her again she still ignores then sleep... then wake up call her again she still ignore =.= so i sleep... and lastly i wake up again and shake her till she wakes lol
=) i am not saddist =) i wana try use pen poke her X) l o l s x)
tonight go home cannot see dear =( but then i promise her tuesday i will go plan D to her heee.. =D i like... hee dear... loves plan D and A =X donno why.. =x maybe i should find 1 mre plan R x) makes up plan D A R =x dear na... :D i like! :D
muackies ribbon boy,ribbonhead hee.... i sleep with this 2 everytime i plan A nor.. X) lucky i bring enough shirt as i got a dirty choco ice cream shirt X) how great X)
carpet is doing her math home work XD chuan chuan dog~! =D
dear na~ muacks! i love her so much =x ... :D
hee dear bought me a PENCIL X) i like but very costly... =x 2.85 cents wor =D so expensive =x MUACKS thNKS DEAR! i like na.. dear thanks wor!...
dear just can;t stand buying pens X) her hobby l o l... think next time just buy her lots of lots of pens to flood her X)
oh yea yesterday went to bedok to watch : WAR OF THE WORLD : nice show X) but the ending not very nice X) but dear can't take it... her heart beat , beat very fast l o l .. X) how great~!~!~!
carpet is chuan carpet is chuan .. hehh i nv pretend to type fast na... DEAR IS DUMB ASS :D
dear.. loves me! hee
but seriously i am fat =()
i hate the disguisting fats in my tummy well tomorrow have school!
=( i don like...
well... hugs dear i love u !
Friday, July 15, 2005
merry christmas =x
we hug and nth we say and went into the house hee we lie on the bed hee... we lie together and talk :D happy hee... muacks her i love her more and more hee.. :D i love u ..
lalala... ok then =D
wake up by dear's flooding sms l o l ... =D i like! hee... then wake up le.. sms dear hee.. yesterday 2am+ then sleep hee THE WAIT IS WORFTH IT =D
today went sch is boring..l o l go there nth to do so i look at the plan i plan and double comfirm hee so its alright and was lazy to do =.= wonder where my soldering iron went to.. what a kid l o l lalala... bored me..
hee dear is studying now =D later got tuition so i donno whaty should i do =D hee... she just scold me ass hole =x =x =x
dear i love u na....
hee... tomorrow going out na :D i love na..
like my mum mention don make her results drop.. but i can't nv see her for 1 day..
hmm nvm..
i cause her to sad.. hais i make her sad that i rather meet friends then meet her..but i really scare her mum will angry.. as i seems everday everynight late go home.. hmm
and was pretending to be my house.. hmm maybe this her mum scare that she always go out and nv study..
but i know she nv study from the beginning but her mum donno..
dear hate studying i know but... her mum will nag and what i scare most is..
dear cannot stand the nag and tears will start rolling down the cheeks..
maybe she donno what i am thinking..
i wish i can see her EVERYDAY in fact every min..
but she ...
hmm nvm
its over..
bleahs maybe i think too much..
=) will everyday go her house from now on..
netherless get scolding or beating.. i will be by her side.. =) almost everytime =)
dear.. sorry to make u sad..
maybe my thinking is different..
but i will follow yur thinking instead.
i love u
i really do..
so far we came..
i will not give up..
loves got ups and down =)
this may be the down.. but we will over come it right?
give me yur hands =) we will climb through everything
i love u..
i really do
u are my one and only girlfriend.. my best friend.. and my lao po =)
and tomorrow at sch remember to eat kk? =( ^ . ^ )= fei fei niao~
sms me when u see this blog ok?
remember =DD leave this down over =D
Thursday, July 14, 2005
blea blea~
today wake up at 7+ then too early still so i went back to sleep till 8+ was suspose to wake up and go for PE and thought dear will sms me to flood me =) but too bad =) she never =) and i missed the shot and wake up at 9+ L O L how great
sms her when i wake and tell her X)she was happy and reply me a " HEE " lol =) some kind of insane illness =) l o l
dear is happy that i am fat and obese =) what a ass hole =)
lalala hee but i love her for who she is!
and is like i miss her more and more!
hee today went sch with out PE lesson =) and went straight to lesson and its that attitude teacher =) alison =) so went and just finish her work and dismiss at 11.30 =) then slack at canteen =) went to eat MALAY RICE =) add extra rice and with 4 types of toppings X) scare le ba =)
then 12pm! went to auditorium and watch free movies x) once again its the PART 2 of the movie on tuesday l o lwhat a boring movie its call " THE HOTEL " =.=
well i can say its lame i rate it 0 star over 10 star =) how great
then after movie 1pm went to APOH CLASS! then do work l o li was like a good boy today i did all the JOB my self =) then finish i ask tacher makr X) and ok done l o lmy friends haven even touch x) so i went distract them l o l =0 how great! 3pm break! eat again x) roti plata! then 4 kosong =x nice X) then finish eat nuggets with soya bean =x then went class again~! tok tok play worms on my phone and draw draw L O Lthen dismiss X) went home and went to northpoint to meet up and buy a low end phone and went to dear's house hee.. =x i buy the phone coz dear like wor =) she was jealous when her friend that time have =x so i buy and lend HER =x hope she is HAPPY NA =x muacks dear! i love u!
then.. went dear house and she is hungry =( she never eat dinner =( was a little devastated =( bleah nvm!
hope TOMORROW MORNING WHEN SHE SEE THIS SHE WILL GO TO CANTEEN TO EAT SOMETHING! FIRST! =( ok deaR? promise? at least eat something before clasS ? later glastic pain =( i sad =( ok? dear promise le ah =D
yea! dear promise me to eat hee.. so happy =) i know she wont break the promise =) coz she is my dear =)
UNLESS SHE IS NOT then she will not agree to eat =(
i mena it =(
but no worrys =D my darling sure will eat if she read this :D
right deaR?
muackies na
morning na and its midnight now and why u reading =x ( as i know she is early fei fei niao who wakes in the mid night to see my blog ) x)
fat bird na!
i love u !!!!!
sms me and flood me to wake up later ok? 7.20 =D
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
went out from dear house at 6.50 =x as we went to sleep all the way since 10+ where the PIG GENSE bed makes me doze to sleep all the way till i forget about my last bus =) how great
then wake up at 12.15 and tell dear how how how =x she ass hole don believe me and was about to send me home =x how great she thought i bluff her =( what a asshole na =x then after that she realise its really 12+ and she push my head and force me to sleep =) how great =) pretend nth happen and continue out plan A =)lolz
lalala then wake up at around 6+ =) then dear change and then after that she and me went to sch X) but of coz she went to her sch and i went to my sch l o ls =) then she saw her friend early in the morning =) then her friend all look like giant all so tall =) or is it that i short? =\ l o l donno then then then dear's bus came and i ask her to take the bus first and she kiss me and she run L O L =) so fast that i can' take it na =x soon she vanish =x
how great =) i took my bus follow on and went home =) how great its a big mess with news paper chips on the living room and whole mess on the floor =) and no 1 cares so i decide to pretend that i nv see the mess =) then i went bath and change and sms dear and run off =c =) hee! soon!i went to take 811 and reach sch =) study! and i understand what apoh talking about =) FINALLY =) then very soon break and then finish =D then went to watch movie at sch audit...then finish at 12.45 and then went home!!
hee sms with dear and she thought i was joking that i am going to fetch her at sch =) who knows i sms her and tell her i on the way =) she shock =) how great then i reach there at 4!just nice and then it start to rain =x dear DISMISS and she come find me le =x i thought i was loss and get down the wrong bus stop =) how great i am smart HEE
dear bring me go see her sch! l o l was big but sucky =x its boring face school!
went to que for waffles but =( don have hais! why =( long que when i suspose to be QUE 60 when the auntie still baking at 17 hehe! am i sway? l o l too many green leafs students =)
then head to tamp and eat =x then went dear house and eat again =) she force me to sleep =x and i am clever i nv =x she pretend wan plan a think i donno l o l now she bathing and i promise to blog for atround 1k words? i think i made it? l o l =)
i love my dear hee...
Monday, July 11, 2005
carpet boy~! and gal~! =x well we 2 seems to be insane of carpet X) everythung we say will end with carpet x))
well.. hee today went to school at 8am+ a little late X) =x well! dear flood me with sms and i heard but too jiao ruan to wake up and see =x and she flood me with around 20? =x donno =x i cant take it =x too many " pokes " x) remind me of poker dots that makes me wake up X) hugged racoonster and muack him =x ops =x our child if u all donno =)
lol! then wake up and went bath and SMS DEAR! x) and then went sch X) then its that SETOH X) OMG X) he wear checkers i feel like poking the squares X) can't take it L O L.. then his lesson is boring ppl doing the project till very hard like that.. but i lazy and since i nth to do i take a logic trainer which is a project tester and i build the structure with in 5mins =x while others still doing and i finish and teacher was surprise why i so fast l o l then he give me a tick and write ok good work =x then i continue playing with my phone's games =x i am not bored and my friends a lot nv come how great only 5-6 lo l ..... and i bet all is lazy and can't crawl up just like fat birds X)
was going to watch movie with dear butt its too rush for me L O L i can't take it =) 5.15 is the show and 4.20 i still at home now =) but its too rush so intend to cancle till friday =D we will watch together and HEE... =x
i was totally addicted to dear =) can't don have her at all... seems that everyday must see her if not its like a few weeks nv see her at all the feeling =)
but.. =x dear is rotting with mango so i can't go her house either so nvm :D will sms with her today ba! BLEAH
i miss her...
really a lot =(
can't take it..
miss till like fat birds walking in circles =(
bLEAH! its raining and i like the wind X) COLD COLD COLD :DD~
bleah smsing with dear now.. =) shes been rotting there for 6hours :) how great =) hee..
anyway she like can le :D muackie!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
*sCReams* `- HAPPY FORTH MONTH NA -`HEE! i like na!
bleas... bleas~! hee yesterday night stay at dear's house na~! i like and she sleep keep kicking me! =( nearly fall down nor =x but lucky i grab! she got hyper active leg! =( lols
lalala~! today is forth month 1 day hee! =x just wana tell u a simply yet full of meaning [ I LOVE YOU]=)
*mwAcks*hee yesterday went to fetch doris after her tuition then we went home again =x bought some sweets but haven 4mins its finish =) how great =)it by stella =) the famous sweet eater =) scare le ba =) shes complaining hungry again =) how great =) HEE i think shes a little dumb =)
went to bedok to catch a movie lol well ITS REAL CHEAP! tell u all the price ba
monday - wednesday its $5thursday its $6friday - sunday (including holiday) its $7
cheap na..the cinema is call PRINCESS =)
well yesterday dear ask me a question =) " so wheres price? " loli feel like boxing her =x shes a lame retard =)
but i like!dear look like carpet na =)went to watch fantastic 4 yesterday =) was rather a exciting show =D and dear seems to like it hee i like when she like something =DD
then went to buy a lot crackers before going in to the cinema =D and we even hide it when ppl bringing in MAC , ice cream ...etc =) how great =)
carpet seems to like dear =x
then bring dear to raffles place and we went to walk walk walk =x and we are a little loss =x then finally we went to fuleton hotel =x we went inside and use the toilet =) how great =) dear is not cheap skate that wan to eat the fuji apple na =x we find and find but don have =) how great =)
then went to LAU PA SAt and eat string ray =x and chilli veg =x dear both also like wor =D and dear eat till full full hee and finally she grant her wish when she wants to eat hot string ray =x=D
wonder what she feel lik eating what next =x well.. tomorrow got school till 5pm its boring i hate that SETOH =x but i will make it end early =D
dear is complaining HUNGRY what the hell =)i can't take it i am full kid =x
oh ya...
Friday, July 08, 2005
BLEah blEa...
lols... =) its our language =) muacks tomorrow is 4mth with dear le wor! hee! happi kids! bleh blea... =x
lalala tonight will be staying at dears house =)
lalala i am bored =) i miss carpet!
dear is doing her home work =) i am rotting =)
Thursday, July 07, 2005
paw u huh!
very worry wor just now dear glastric pain =( i donno what to do but only can show her i am there .. just by sms her i love u and hug .. =) but i try my best hee i love u dear!
lalala today sch is boring... well nth much today..
went sch late for an hour and teacher is still happy.. l o l what the hell =)
lala then nth much now at home nth to do till night think i am dying =)
lastly will flood my dear with i love u later on =x
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
chuan dog X)
how great =) went sch in the morning and got a feeling don feel like going as its RAINING FEEL LIKE SLEEPING! HEE but = just went sch incase they got teach new things and i scare can't cope up =) well.. as usual =) the hole day MR SETOH ONLY TEACH THOSE THING WE LEARN BEFORE =) is like 1 hour 1 question =) how great =) other classes having exam soon and were rushing =) but us? l o l =) tell u not even 6pages =) since the sch start =) how great my GPA will be vanish soon =)
well.. sway kid =( i love my dear! hee then faster meet dear and she got cut on her hand =( and i worried =( so i go take plaster and give her =x bleahs!
muacks na.. love her so much~! then see her at the mrt =x we flood each other =) and pretending we not with each other =) sms a lot =) lallala.. went to upgrade my motorola mpx200 and tomorrow have to collect it =) how great! maybe going alone =) scare dear tired na.. bleah she end tml 4.30 =( so late BLEAH
i am addicted to her i need to see her almost everyday =( i miss her like insane carpet who chuan =(
and imiss feifeiniao =(
and the lastest creature fei fei lady bird =(
bleahs i love my darling stella la la la =x
muack! going 4mth =D
Sunday, July 03, 2005
mobile blog =)
we went to tiong bahru and she bring me go walk walk na =Pthen we went to walk the whole shopping centre! then so funny =) we choose to eat buffet l o l =) we are not greedy and manage to eat till it going to close =) we saw it our eyes the person say this side is close =x and the SIDE ONLY GOT ME AND DEAR x) we are not greedy and keep ordering food =x and i am not playing with the fire till it gone and need to relight again =x lalalla!
dear misses carpet na XD think i donno lalala then eat eat from 1.30 eat till 4+great? X) drink 2 jug of water =x and lots of food =) are not greedy =x
lalala~! my phone is like a laptop XD and thanks to dear who just bring me cup of water HEE I LIKE NA X) i love my dear =X muack!
dear got ulcer =( hope she will faster recover na =D I HOPE X) and went bugis after eating =) saw dear's friends l o l.. =) bleahs then we went to walk the whole place =x and ACTUALLY WANTED TO BUY A BAG but nv =x dear don like me spend money na =x so i nv x) scare le ba =D
then drink freshy water melon juice na... then lalala... went to a shop that need 23yrs old then can enter =x so i can't =x lalala~!
dear na i love u ... now dear beside me X) she can't see what i blog hee... X) lalala~!
then tomorrow got discovering channel movie HEE I LIKE NA X) lalala~!
misses my dear =D muacks
Friday, July 01, 2005
X) we talk all rubbish hee but i enjoy talking rubbish with her l o l.... =) muackies!
lalala! i love dearrr =D muackies
fall asleep at dear's house l o l
lalalala~! carpet dog is noisy X)
ate KFC and went to walk