Monday, December 27, 2004


woW my houSe i ThiNk got 30+ hAmstEr =D hEhE!! goT all kinD of breedS! pudding,pearlpudding,roborovskii,yellowblue,satin,winterwhite,black bear , campbells... etc a lot =) hehe!! and a stupid dog! keep barking when i am playing with hamsters! =( seems to be jealous! who cares! blEah~

hehe today wakE up and weNt to biShan and Take hAmsters agAin! =) itS elAin my frIend whom cannoT have hamsters so... she is keeping it in my house =) so i will hAve To bEar mY responsiblity to take CarE!!! =D anyWay... anYonE knoW my ITE FINAL YEAR EXAM RESULTS!? ANY onE WiSh to know!!? heHe i ScoRE ALL A's !!!!!! GPA : 3.72 ;) aM i gReat? LOL!!! jK! =)

laStLy.. aNYonE waNts to AdopT SaTin?? oR BuY hAmster?? =) wIth bEautiful FuR? oR cuTe smaLl sizE? oR rARE HAmsTeR? oR! u wAn tO seE TONS oF HAmStEr? hEhe plz Email me! :)

Saturday, December 18, 2004

lalalA! pEts!!!

woW!! hMmx ToDay WenT to PeT shOp at blk 927! =)woW they sell hamster arE expEnsive buT thEy arE cuTe!! =) i liKe Robo , PudDing anD winTer whiTe!! =) they are cute~ hmm they sell DogS alSo.. hehe.. i brought a spining whEll for " miNa " my loCal campbell hAmsteR! =) am i gooD? heH.. =D my 2 RobO arE iN my Room! =) thEy SleEPing noW =) heh like 2 ball =) aLright... getting my rEsultS oN 23th dec!! i am so scare!! =( hmmx.. anyway... any1 selling pudding hamster ? msg me =D miss u! and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! =D

Friday, December 17, 2004


aLriGht AlRighT!! :D i wiLl staRt bloG agAin!! :) hMmx toDay wakE uP aT special time!!!9am+ oH mAn!! so Early anD yestERdaY i SleEP at 3.46 am!! hmM donno Why sudDEnly waKE :) welL... hehe then wake up wear my contact lens!! hmM i spEnd 30mins wear!! :( i admit my EYES are really small!! :( then was squeezing like hell!! :( then ok finaly goes in!! alright! then next went to bath!! and change and went to causeway point... :D fix my ngage! wow and was sad as my MMC card CORUPTED!! cannot use le :( so was trying my luck and went to nokia care to ask for upgrading software and format of card when i thought they will say " sorry your card is unusable " :( then who knows.... they say accept to format! but to wait for 3 hours with no garantee of successful formating. Then i went to walk for 1 hour first! and was walking the whole causeway!! then went back to nokia care! heh! was lucky i saw the auntie i know! :D then i ask her was my phone ready!? and she went check! alright! she said! :D done! wow! cool my MMC CARD WAS SAFE.... and i faster rush home..install my games!! wow it works! hehe and now installing!!!! was lucky not to waste 40 bucks to buy a mmc card :D anyway.. i brought 2 whiteface roborovski hamster from holland!! hehe 30bucks each!! cool right? 1 male and a female!... male call " PINEAPPLE PIE" female call " APPLE PIE" heh! :) brought them houses , toilets , bath room.. food.. calcium.. water bottles.., saw dust.. and play ground!! heh! am i a good master :) wow i love hamsters!! =D

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

boring day

long time no update le... hehe me buy contact lens and wear :) ok nth le.. bye bye