Tuesday, August 24, 2004


tOday 8+ wakE Up whEn schOol start at 8aM...then bath and pack up and go school... very tired as yesterday night watch movie at home.. then 2am+ then sleep.. then got dark ringsz =.= then.. early morning wake up donno why no mood ... feeling down.. donno what happen but i know nth happen -.- just feel down.. then go school nv tok.. then in class got test straight away... got 9/20.. - . -feel that the test is useless.. any how do.. still get 9 =.= previous test full mark so nvm.. then go lesson at 10am.. then talking in class no listen to teacher =.= then tok tok otk and after that 12pm go break.. till 1pm =.= nth to do always stay canteen.. moodless =.= go back class 1pm and do project... going to finish le... but a few more wire will do.. donno can work a not.. =.= previous personal project i got full mark 100.. and 2nd to finish.. same with my partner.. then go the last project... til l2.30 go for therory test =.= open book but no mood to do.. then anyhow do.. and 3pm go break =.= till 3.30 come back and do project.. go toilet... see ppl smoke... =.= then the smoke like smoke LOL -_-" then like that lo **** censored haha.. go back class pakc bag teacher angry =.= i wana punch him.. coz he ask me pick litter then like that.. go home and just now 8pm go northpoint timezoning again=.= go collect my photograph... then come home write blog le.. =.= moody day bye bye

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