Sunday, July 03, 2005

mobile blog =)

boo hee using mobile internet to blog nor x) scare le ba =) boo i love my dear hee today she bring me out nor =)

we went to tiong bahru and she bring me go walk walk na =Pthen we went to walk the whole shopping centre! then so funny =) we choose to eat buffet l o l =) we are not greedy and manage to eat till it going to close =) we saw it our eyes the person say this side is close =x and the SIDE ONLY GOT ME AND DEAR x) we are not greedy and keep ordering food =x and i am not playing with the fire till it gone and need to relight again =x lalalla!

dear misses carpet na XD think i donno lalala then eat eat from 1.30 eat till 4+great? X) drink 2 jug of water =x and lots of food =) are not greedy =x

lalala~! my phone is like a laptop XD and thanks to dear who just bring me cup of water HEE I LIKE NA X) i love my dear =X muack!

dear got ulcer =( hope she will faster recover na =D I HOPE X) and went bugis after eating =) saw dear's friends l o l.. =) bleahs then we went to walk the whole place =x and ACTUALLY WANTED TO BUY A BAG but nv =x dear don like me spend money na =x so i nv x) scare le ba =D

then drink freshy water melon juice na... then lalala... went to a shop that need 23yrs old then can enter =x so i can't =x lalala~!

dear na i love u ... now dear beside me X) she can't see what i blog hee... X) lalala~!

then tomorrow got discovering channel movie HEE I LIKE NA X) lalala~!

misses my dear =D muacks

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