Sunday, August 14, 2005


my phone is being kipnap by nokia care centre =( they don answer my phone when i call =( they keep saying high call volume na =( cannot take it girl`~

well nokia care centre hotline just sucks! =) nokia please do something about it!! get more operatorS!!!!!

bleah waste my time la.. =( X) carpet chuan kids is stella tan X)
she loves to self services girl~ X) wake up at 7? l o l play com and idonno? X) i was sleeping away X) how great kid x) hee

lalala dear loves yishun X) just bring her to 1.50 chicken rice X) my school chicken rice pricE? l o l hmm no is cheaper X) my sch sell 2 dollars X) and dear loves the chilli na :D hee dear eat a lot chilli and surprise that dear EAT FINISH THE WHOLE CHILI X) I L I K E X)

hee and dear let carpet lick me early in the morning~ :D

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