Wednesday, May 31, 2006

dear water

x(u see X( DEER WATER RUN AWAY! lols strangely!! last time i bought the 3 leg brand cooling water medicine ! and they got provide deer picture! but recently i buy, the DEER IS GONE JUST a land with sand and water
-.- omg wat kind of pic is that related to cooling water lol no deer!!

hmm then my bag was so big lo like full of rubbish! got feifeiniao,laptop,files,books and worksheets OMG :D fat bag okie!

then when to sch today stress lo then after that went to free access room do a little thing went home :P nv go math today! then went home meet dear to study! then we study a lot =D STRESS AGAIN! then to destress we eat NYP!!! NOT NAYANG POLYTECHNIC! ITS NEW YOKE PIZZA OKIE! x)

its a very big triagle with right angle! around 30degree angle lols... and hypo around 45cm long!

then after that we feel diguisted X( nan chi and sucks big time lo.... then we took bus wait long and i realise me and dear talk for so long 1yr+ WE CANNOT FINISH TALKING!!! WE ARE VERY TALKTIVE!!! AT DRAIN THERE TALK A LOT LOL!

then now at dear house! bath finish watch incredible! and now blogging =D tml sch exam! boreD!!!

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