Wednesday, December 13, 2006
accident fatal
i was lucky that i haven die! as i still want to tell my girlfriend that.. " i love you happy 1 year 9mth " we will last till our last breath alright :)
i love you so.... muack!
thank you for taking care for me all this days.... :) u have been so tired right? silly hugS* u r the best to me :)
sorry for making u worry on the 5th of dec when i suspose to meet u for dinner... i cannot make it... i am sorry i met an accident... i donno what happen and was being bang down... so.. i gone coma.. and u said i call u .... hahaha maybe its the god whom representing me to call u .. :) when a couple is in love , theres some bond to make each other alert of what happen!
:) yup thanks to whom ever help me to inform my dear girlfriend :)
alright... not forgeting my buddys and friends whom ask abt my health =) i would like to tell you all that i am recovering speedy and yes i still need to go for a appointment on 17 jan in tan tok seng hospital..
the doctor said if my brain blood cot did not go... i will have to go for an operation... which i hope not as i hate operation...
well.... hope it gone =) having my medicine and theres still symtoms of giddy and headpain ...
yes for those who donno i got some abrasion on arms, limbs body.... and so on.. but lucky nth happen to my cute hamster face =D
but too bad my head skull crack... and shown of blood flowing.. well.. my body abrasion is recovering soon.... =D sat going to take out the stitches.. =D
just had my dinner =D so fat recently eat and slp! haahaha!!
okie =) dear bought me KFC =D and my dad bought me fried rice =D and dear recently bought me tibits lol... =D
so fat la =)
alright la nth to blog le.. i wan to thanks my mum and dear and friends whom is taking care for me..
and lastly i love u dear! and pig pig and feifeiniao , head head ribbonboy and pinkbear racoonster~ and all friends =D
oh la... i am not riding motor bike for the time being.. my mum don let lol yes
i am selling my bike now...
if anyone interested i sell u .... got overhall done on oct.... u take the bike FOC just need to continue the installment don need pay any downpayment all... thats all..
=) if u wan email
just carry on installment don need pay... =)
i am selling my bikE!!!
to buy a bigger 1 =D
Saturday, October 28, 2006
thank you for the nice breakfast t my doors, but whats more pleasant than that is havin' you t accompany me for breakfast. and the ulcer medicine too. i love you mr bf. hope you has a nice day out there in sentosa eh, and i wil try my very best t study, though i wil most probably end up slping, eating, blogsurfing and tv-ing. x;
to my dear wife stella tan!
no joke! i am trying my best to understand the situation! but.. i always get the wrong idea or didn't get at all. haa.. nvm.. 1 day i believe i will do it =) just wait okie!
you are always my 1st prioty okie! sometime pigpig is first x)! goint to 2year soon! and i promise i will make the 2year month a PERFECT and HAPPIEST DAY on earth! i am getting ideas =D its a perfect day! its a FRIDAY! yup.. 09/03/07 :D time pass so fast! pigpig already with us 1yr+ already!
haha.. okiee.. by that time i think pigpig is very strong! =D feifeiniao very round! ;) and carpet is more smelly!!!! =D~
so u must jiayou to study hard okie! i am going to study hard also! so i can go earn more money than u when we married! =D i wan u to share a car with me =D and u know wat u r a biker! x) go take bike la..! LOL..
so u can lobang me! XD
okokie! i miss u ! somuch so much till theres no tomorrow! :) wanted to see u badly! call u but u sleep! nvm! tml call u again and hope u will see this entry soon! =D silly pie..
muack! good luck for your A-levels i love u LAOPO! =D
lovesss... ("v")sss
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
oh ya today in sch teacher teach new things.. omg so hard.... hai... but i understand and donno how to apply onto it.. haha i think i need more pratice! okiee! i think i have to start studying! nov beginning is the start of mid sem test! so.. i must do well! if not.. i will be sway kids... haa! just now dear can teach me! she is studying for A's so i am going to work hard and win her! okie! anyway i already win her coz she say she wan take basic theory with me.. haha but too bad i passed!
hmm so actually today don feel like going to sch... i went to eat at marina square with keat yesterday... and yes went to stupid KTV to find his friend lol... well we sit abt 20mins then go le... i don even know them.. heck..
then... reach home like 3+! then play com! well my hair is still wet.. so no choice but to let it dry itself..
yes! tml is wednesday! carpet day! going to watch movie with dear... okiee we are cheapo! we only watch on wednesday! why! like i say... cheapo.. its $7 each! rather then 9.50 zzz okiee. i am not those rich kiddo... haha i have to work inorder to survive for my moto! ahaha and of coz my dearriee! smuackz!
hmm.. this blog skin makes me feel like blogging more maybe it will be long ba and hopefully will start to blog everyday! =D
working today is alright quite slack.. easy money but bored. haha... tired maybe only because the long hours of standing? but free food always come! haha..
the people there are friendly! and of coz i work there since jan!? but long break... haha..
so long talking on phone with deer.. and gonna slp soon ... i only sleep 2 hours!!!
ok.... chaos...
Sunday, October 15, 2006
blog skins! NEW!!
if not.. it cost few hundreds X( lucky free! hahaa.. lalala... this blog skins is dear saw on other ppl blog! so we went to search also haha ok its cute!! =D i like sushi!! and sashimi! :) yupsss
tml have school! omg! sick man.. yea.. work too! more money plz!!!
it seems that the haze out there is getter worst! today afternoon i fetch dear go my house and drive pass the seleta and yes the sea is like wdh.. lol cannot even see the opposite land! so like genting!!!! yes not cold de genting!!
and when we reach home we change for bunnieS! they turn fatter and fatter like carpet dog size!!! yes who want to see carpet dog! see my dear de link! LOL FAT DOG! OMG!!!! FAT!!!! ROAR!!!
lol and she is saddist today she run i trip her and she fall down she happy!!! very chuan!! lol...
oh ya. carpet is sucks and playing hide and seek! she don even know how to use her nose to seek !!!! she only use eyes see! LOL... ass! okiee next time i shall video down! WHAHAHHA
and she is stupid likes food and even da bian(shit) on her own food BOWL! lol.. i shall say her bad things :) but other dog might think she is chio bu LOL... coz dear house below got a dog like carpet smell! X) lalalala!!!
okie la.. later going to fetch dear home and tml shall start studyging!!!!!! BING BING BING!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
SiAo BaNanA~~~!
OI~~!! U GOt A nEw mEssagE!~ =D from............ PIgPiG!!
hee ~~~!!!!!
DEAR INTRO ME THE XANGA BLOG! HMM........i think a little hard to use lol.. coz i donno how to use!! =D oei~
anyway just come back from hougang! i bring dear and my siaobanana~ go out okie~ hee i like siaobanana coz she will bring me a lot places! =) she will bring me to places i dont have to wait for bus HAHAHAA POKEY!!!
was trying out all the fonts! =D KEKEKE... anyway the phantom siaobanana i bought for 2.2k! hmm + my insurance + interest all add up 3k+ LOLS..
okiee dear's sister sucks act cute and pretend ppl will scare her well if i am her brother i will have slap her long ago..! so.. attitude! wdh..
okie later meeting keat,chye .. donno they doing what..lols..
dear ask me intro a new member just joined us! that is... PINKBEAR!!!! lol.. pink bear likes ribbonhead! LOL BUT RIBBONHEAD DON LIKE OKIE... OEI~ HEADHEAD~~
haa~... tml meeting dear at night maybe going out :) hope can plan C :D =D hehe..
hmm ohya! i get back part of my exams from SP..
lol i got "A" for structure programming...
i got "C" for CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.. lol teacher trying say i got bad character!~!~
and maybe donno tml ask beat teach me how togo sch.. =D POKEY!!
okokiee blog finish! seeya!
Friday, September 08, 2006
SiAo BaNana~
but.. i still like it ! =) from now on he/she is going to pei me through the rest of the days! =D we are going to be happy and of coz safety! right?!
oh ya.. dear already name my bike for me... SIAO BANANA~ lol... nice right! HEHE! of coz! my dear think 1 okie....
alright... so i was thinking is siao banana a male or a female! =D~ whahhaa...
okiee... later meeting keat at 11.15 to go northpoint have some lunch/breakfast and then collect my license card... ! damn! reguarding to license card they suspose to send but i was not at home so it turn out to be a unsuccessful mail.. i have to collect it personaly today! so maybe later i go collect.. hahahaa
okiee.. so later after collecting boonkeat will lead me the way.. he ask me accompany him to bishan to fetch rebecca... lols.. then after that.. go eat and then go home... -.- okiee... sounds lame but nice! so tonight my bro asking me to send him home at northpoint! =) haha...
anyway dear god! i need to be safety! i promise my family and relatives, loves 1 that i will be safety so please! dear god! bless me with your luck and may i be under your arms...
name: siaobanana
reborn: 08/09/06
plate: FV242G
colour: grey black
==================================== END OF MOTOBIKES ===============================
HAPPY 1yr 6mths to u dear! =D tml will be a 1yr6mth day! oh ya... dont u know! siaobanana is only 1 day later =P and its our meeting day okie! 8th! =D
anyway i doubt some ppl would like to know how we meet and how we together! ah ha!
let me summaries
1st we chat on IRC! and my nick was... " iamcute " and her nick was " stella " if i not wrong =x then i msg her...
bla bla bla
and so we chatted and exchanged frendster address! and then msn address!
hahahaa then we talk talk talk and grew into some feelings..
we then talk on the phone! hehehe! and then 1 day... we decided to meet! which is on the 8th if march 2005! =) its a sunny banana day...~! then she was so shy to see me LOL... okiee she was hiding behind the machine pretending i canot see her... lol..
so that time i THINK I AM REALLY CUTE LOL....
she she likes me =x and she ask me stead WHAHAAHAHhaHA~~~ WHahahhaA~~
of coz i agreed =x okiee... =x then so on.... we stead till now ! hands by hands! lips by lips! and FRIENDS IN FRIENDS =D we make it throught the days we held! =D
muacks dear... i love you!!
lastly happy 1 year 6 mths to u ..... ! =)muackiES!
and A lv coming u better study hard like pig pig does! :D
OEI~~~ i ReAlly ReAlly vEry hUnGry!~~~~~~
Faint alReady~~~
REally~~~ rEally~!!~~~ veRy hUngry~~~
Sunday, August 27, 2006
pink bear! naughty already!
okiee... but it is cheap OF COZZ!! i am broke so... gottaa buy cheap things now.. unlike last time =( board shorts bla bla bla... and yes my fats... it sucks =)
soo... we went to simei for some petting... yes don get me wrong.. its PETS animals like rabbit,dogs,cats,hamsters. bla bla bla .. PET! so it sounds like PETTING...
bla bla bla we went to find the shop pet safari.. and guess wat its LOSS.. OMG.. sucks man..yes devastated.. so we went to. shop other levels.. at last! WE FOUND!? lol. yes.... it turn smalller from outside look i guess its a little disappointment as well... from a series of shops become a HOT tuck shop! omg... look small but it may shock it as well.. it became HUGE... like a un beliveable thing.. imagine a look-small-shop can contain fishes,DOGS,HAMSTERS,RABBITs,VET CLINIC... and sell a lot of food,bedding,snacks for animals and a lot a lot.. u gotta go check it out if u never see before! =) it located at SIMEI SHOPPING CENTRE... lol..
okiee.. so.. after that we went to shop! guess wat we got a new look for simei! it expand and gotaa have more things! more shops! yes.! of coz more cheap things =D
okiee... i bought for myself a connector! a HP to MUSIC =D
so happy!!! =D
okeee then we went to dear house yesterday after shop! then we was pathetic.. just some broken fish left over and a small bowl soup.. -.- not even fill the bottom of my stomach.. HAHA..
then we secretly went to below..and eat! cha kuey tiao~ and Carrot cake! =D so nice la... =D
hee. then guess wat today! morning dear wake my slp! tired la! wake up eat -.- then go prepare and go out to serangoon! LOLSs.. bought 30+ can! so ex! then we went to campass point eat! hahaa then.. we reach yishun! ?... guess wat my mum say! Oh... u all got book room meh.. LOL it hints me that i haven been home for WEEKS OMG..
haha then who cares.. she don like me to go home also.. coz...
okee... then we go scare carpet! she is sad and happy =D she came out then go back =D ASS LA>..
then prepare for bunny stuff... we got... VATIMINS!,HAYS!,FOODS!, and.. they are happy eating animals =D GOOD!
then... we just watch finish the show.. rienge of fire.. lol ok i guess.. then.. now.. going to end it and give dear use.. oh ya.. for get to mention..
i really rrally hungry already!~~~~ --- pigpig!
LonGGG nonG aGoo
okiee... but it is cheap OF COZZ!! i am broke so... gottaa buy cheap things now.. unlike last time =( board shorts bla bla bla... and yes my fats... it sucks =)
soo... we went to simei for some petting... yes don get me wrong.. its PETS animals like rabbit,dogs,cats,hamsters. bla bla bla .. PET! so it sounds like PETTING...
bla bla bla we went to find the shop pet safari.. and guess wat its LOSS.. OMG.. sucks man..yes devastated.. so we went to. shop other levels.. at last! WE FOUND!? lol. yes.... it turn smalller from outside look i guess its a little disappointment as well... from a series of shops become a HOT tuck shop! omg... look small but it may shock it as well.. it became HUGE... like a un beliveable thing.. imagine a look-small-shop can contain fishes,DOGS,HAMSTERS,RABBITs,VET CLINIC... and sell a lot of food,bedding,snacks for animals and a lot a lot.. u gotta go check it out if u never see before! =) it located at SIMEI SHOPPING CENTRE... lol..
okiee.. so.. after that we went to shop! guess wat we got a new look for simei! it expand and gotaa have more things! more shops! yes.! of coz more cheap things =D
okiee... i bought for myself a connector! a HP to MUSIC =D
so happy!!! =D
okeee then we went to dear house yesterday after shop! then we was pathetic.. just some broken fish left over and a small bowl soup.. -.- not even fill the bottom of my stomach.. HAHA..
then we secretly went to below..and eat! cha kuey tiao~ and Carrot cake! =D so nice la... =D
hee. then guess wat today! morning dear wake my slp! tired la! wake up eat -.- then go prepare and go out to serangoon! LOLSs.. bought 30+ can! so ex! then we went to campass point eat! hahaa then.. we reach yishun! ?... guess wat my mum say! Oh... u all got book room meh.. LOL it hints me that i haven been home for WEEKS OMG..
haha then who cares.. she don like me to go home also.. coz...
okee... then we go scare carpet! she is sad and happy =D she came out then go back =D ASS LA>..
then prepare for bunny stuff... we got... VATIMINS!,HAYS!,FOODS!, and.. they are happy eating animals =D GOOD!
then... we just watch finish the show.. rienge of fire.. lol ok i guess.. then.. now.. going to end it and give dear use.. oh ya.. for get to mention..
Sunday, August 06, 2006
heh heh heh!
uh huh uh huh! miss pig pig organization X(
nvm today or tml will see dao her! okie! =D i like okiE! oi~~~
hmm today morning going my grandma house eat! then after that meet dear! she cooking okie! =D nice! =D
i like hotdogs ! =D
okiee.. then after that we going to campasspoint eat! and yes i forgot what i ate lol till dear hint me! X(
Sunday, July 30, 2006
hee! so morning wake up eat white carrot cake! and dear eat black carrot cake! =D its her turn to play com so i let her play it! =D then! she happily playing! =D then after eating we decide to go where!
we in the end decided to go ! watch movie! we were still deciding weather to watch superman or pirates of the caribean! hmm we see the top box office was the pirates =D so we watching the pirates! =D
we went prepare~ i bath around 11+ then dear bath and after that we went to campasspoint! =D we waiting for bus! LOL then we play chess till we reach! so long!?
then finally reach withdrew 20 each then we go eat! first stop!
FAMOUS LONG QUE CURRY! its located at bedok opp the mac! the famous homemade curry! so me and dear we both shared 1.. i ate rice and she ate bread! just 1 simple curry! we were both fullfilled! =D
then next! the nv seen before watermelon that dear is always talking abt! so we finally saw! okie!!its HUGE LOL FULL WITH MELONS,JELLYS,FRUITS AND BLA BLA BLA and the shape cutted out to fill the fruits was nice =) melonhead in maple! yea? =D
after that we went to buy mac! okie SHE BULLY!
she bluff to buy 1 double cheese burger when i already had a burger then in the end i bought and -.- i ate them myself...
super full!?
then watch the show! lol the show was funny la! nice also! and surprising! and also a little confusion!
hmm i rate it 9/10! =D then! we went to tamp! eat dinner -.- was so full! i ate beef noodles! and dear ate long john! lol then we took 27 home! before home we end it with a traffic light ice cream!!! OMG!
muackS i love u baby!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
actually was thinking of going home.. but thinking that have to wake up more early to meet her for poly clinic it think better not.. -.- later is either i nt waking up or she not waking up.. so... for safe reason i plan a! btw plan a means the codec for staying at her house =.= its out code don ask me why LOL
she is slping like a pig.. tell her i very xin ku she don respond -.- okiee maybe sch is tiring for her.... -.-
so... now cough is slightly okie as i endure it.. yup amought all sickness i hate most is cough! sucks... my cough can coughup to 2-3 mths... bad? =.=
okieee did i mention i sneeze out blood yesterday? yup maybe i sneeze too forcefuly... resulting in bloody flu liquid.. bad bad bad...
nv go for my cca ... -.- suspost to go.. well pity joel.. he always wanted to go but seng,don nv go liao think they quit.. so.. they nv go.. accept me.. so if i nv go he nv go too... poor him..
okiee the worst part was... when i am going to sch.. i leave home at 9! when my lesson start 8! waiting for 965... it was late bloody hell.. so result i late when i go out early -.- ... anyway who cares... in the train! the worst came! me keep sneezing and water keep droping like tap pipe ! WHEN I GOT NO TISSUE... wel.. in the end guess wat? i go borrow from other strangers???? NOPE lol i clean it on my sleeves -.- okiee.. its disguisting but no choice... LOL...
tml poly clnic hope it will be better with medicine! although not cheap anymore as not student! LOL...
Thursday, July 13, 2006
hmm after sch dear came my house then update maplestory thought still can use hack but in the end the stupid maple they covered up the hack programes X( resulted in unable to hack! i should have hack more! GOSH! X(
okiee.. so today sch. yup! suckish.. first present the vids. casper! teacher say the movie not that good! as the casper did in a bad way but with determination! wat ...? lol sucks la... say got idea but wrong motive... so donno how also.. wat ever
now teaching PEEE term 2 wat ever i don listen as i am not interested... i bet other listen but nv get into brain!! well life just sucks
okiee... TP in 7 days hope i pas plz god! =)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
SP? or SB?
i think is SB... well the teacher is teaching and i am not listening great kids! =)
wel.. the lesson is bored.. so many A B C OMG.. bored!!
okiess... so carpet is in sch now lol...
okiee so now i realise poly life STRESS la.. so many test imagine just finish 1 exam going to have a exam in 1 mth time wdh.. ... -.- okiee... so maybe u ppl don think its bored.. well look then!!!

see how bored can it BE WDH LOLS..
okiee presentation so lalalalala..
now doing work -.- okiessss think going back to do work liao..
TP COMING!!!! =D okiee..
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Saturday, July 01, 2006
she always stick to dear when i wan scold her for having stupd face lol... ass bitch!~ X( then after that we went home and eat dinner =D
then... dear's com internet get cut away from yesterday onwards =.= so sad..!!! hais cannot ontact her through online and can't contact through hp! so i decided to get dear's bill paid!! :)
i can do wat i can do.. :) dear i love you! mwahz
later meeting dear again!! hais.. devastated! x( monday sch monday blue! monay study till i turn bull..... X( must be hard working like a bull... if nt i will be a BOO! X(((
my class so flicking hard working can.. omg stay back just to study!!!!
=.= well i heck ..
look at the pic below!
lol its the pic that i ton after me and dear went to campasspoint ! sent her home and i went home =D
hahaa! all sleeping!! okie was waiting for dear's reply... then i go ome but she nv -.-
bleah! i love you!!!! wo ai ni!!!! CHAN RAKUN!!!!! aku suka ankao!!!!!!!我爱你!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
okie!~ yesterday was a raining cats and dog day! why!? LOL COZ I WAS AWAKEN BY THE HEAVY RAIN DROPS OUTSIDE DEAR's HOUSE!! SO BIG! LIKE TSUNAMI =D I LIKE!
cOld ColD~ yea and now i sneezing maybe the fan blowing me =( donno =D
tt pig pig is still sleeping why X(
hmm yesterday once wake up closed the window and went to slp =x then dear weake up and play her com ! =.= okie she loves to visit blogs and she keep asking me to blog =P so i don =D then today morning i secretly blog so she wont know HEHEHEHE =D she still sleeping soundly~ =D
okie... yesterday after going home we put food for BAO AND BUN!! OKIE THEY ARE FUNNY KIDS THEY LIKE GUA ZI SO MUCH THAT THEY CAN DON EAT OTHER SEEDS! ARE HAMSTER SUSPOSE TO ME CHOOSY!!! X( must be dear chong huai them! X( dear u see! bao and bun are gua zi susporter kids already!
lolss.... well them slim down X( now i gonna make them fat! GUA ZI FOR LUNCH PLZ~ =D 2x drop during dinner =x they will scare of gua zi by then! XD
okiee! so dear manage to hide some gua zi into the castle 2nd level! =D and bao manage to saw it! went up eeat!! =x then when bun come she just pretend nth there and attract her attention to other side! =P then bao anyhow walk pretend a bit then bun still donno yet till he walk a few steps on the stairs then he saw =p okiee so he pretend bao haven see also and he pretend too =P so when bao was playing wheel bun went to grab some gua zi! and she went behind the CASTLE TO EAT!! LOL
=.= me and dear see already laugh! LOL
okiee... stupid couple who fights,slp,play,injured but nv give birth! LOL
wat an ass....
hmm... then after that we went to mac study! HEHEHEHE DID I FORGET TO MENTION SUPER LOTS OF FEIFEINIAO(PIGEONS) ON MY HOUSE BELOW!? THEY ARE WAITING AT THE LIFT PLATFORM SO CUTE!!!!!! THEN SUPER FAT! SO I ASK DEAR TO GIVE ME SOME HAMSTER FOOD AND I WENT TO THROW they eat X) they like okie! they even wan to fly onto my hand and eat =D but they was scare and wanted to but ..... in the end nv =P nvm they don like strangers =P THEY LIKE THE FOOD ON MY HAND =D GREEDY BIRDS!!!
hee! then after that wen walk to northpoint had out banmian section! was nice yummy!
we shared 1 bowl as i got bad sorethroat and dear sickness! =) so the doc got use! the medicine was much better than the campasspoint i suspose! X)
then!! we laughS X)
eat and we took mrt go! X( ADULT FARE JUST SUCKS CAN! X(
then reach there when we go up i thought only few ppl as all might be studying outside! BUT.... the moment i saw the whole place liek wat ! library! ? LOL whole 2nd leel is ppl studying na...
we manage to found a seats and with a plug supply.. so we start studying .... okiee i manage to study for some PEEE serial and parallel... and not for math... i wana make the eee okie first and de then math while programming wll be last lol as due to some NO INTEREST!
x) i wan faster go to 2nd year as i will start on my main course! NOW IS BORING PART LA ELECTRONICS X(
okiee... so after studying we went to eat mac wings =.= boring stuff.... i had my half chicken fantastic =.= sucks la actuzally but free LOL
then nt long we went to wait bus .... but bus came in a short while.. =D heng kids! then went to seat bus! and that ass wan to sit inside but cold.... she insist to sit inside ! in the end she cannpt take it and she exchaneg place with me!!!!!! then went home watch the 9pm show lol.. dear is inane i think.. okiee... so after watching dear heartbeatings X) then i went to bath and toilet AND THEN i play maple finding stupid staff and fightr quite long time wanted to slp i found it!! HALL STAFF and not only abt that! the staff got the HIGHEST MAGIC ATT =D OMG SO NICE LA....
can sell quite some mesos X) well i just playing for the bored of playing... now her brother helping me to train =P when lv 100 i TAKE BACK WAHAHAA
okiee... so later donno wat to plan X) LETS WAIT FOR THAT DEAR TO WAKE UP BA! MUACKIE! =D
Saturday, June 17, 2006
whom i want to thx !
1) firstly i want to thanks my belove dear!!!! HEE FOR HELPING ME TO PASS!!!! MUACKS!
thanks for your moral support okie dear pig pig =D MUACK * NOSE NOSE*
muack kiddosX)
hee!!! can't imagine omg... so my tp date will be 20 july!
later going to serangoon to buy food for hammies X)
hope to see any other cage is nice so can buy for bao and bun =D my beloved hammies okie!
hmm chocolate and kopio need to change beddings X) thx to kapita tan for putting less beddings X)
going to bath soon X)
muack see ya late r
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
okiee... so dear say don blog and in the end she wine X( then i donno lol... i roughly know she wan me to blog..
okiee shall start all over again!!
dear and me wake up today X) we wake very early... and then we decided to go macing X) pig pig wan it since long ago! harsh brown! with ice milo =D
ROAR~~~ okiee.. world cup cheers~
so then after eating mac... dear and me went to metro to shopping and we shop for her wallets X( in the end we found nth X)
congrats thx
so.. dear say that carpet and sky and bao will protect her when shes lonely and trouble X) but i shall prove her wrong =D by a video X) of CARPET VS BAZHANG okie
lol then after that went home and dear have to send doris to her friend house... don understand why the hell that kids so scare ... sucks lo... what ever~ bleah~ hate her
then went to my house and study hehehe we study and eat!! we eat cai FAN and dear eat finish all =) great kids ... full kids =D okiee... then we watch vcd and study a little more we get bored X(
we went campass point and ask for other calculator X( sadly don have so i anyhow buy 1 X( so sucks i regret buying oh... 32 bucks x(
sucksss okiee..
then after that went to eat dinner X( eat le fat fat then come home! dear depressed =.=
donno what to do.. and i hope seriously it wont be blank again! muacks!
Saturday, June 10, 2006
studying life
okiee dear force me to blog -.-.. soooo i shall tell u what happen on thursday!
thursday for a fine but bored day! lol raining! yes! so feel like sleeping! then! we slack at her house! then slowly we decide to go out! of coz thats the last day of my bus stamp! X( so sad! then we decide to go hougang and walk! but... we think that the place is boring! lol... so I DECIDED TO GO DOBYGHAUT! then we go there withdraw money! and then we went walk walk also hehehe!
saw giant carfield X( i like X( pigpig also we can pull her tails okie! =D
then went to take mrt! as dear complaint HUNGRY! WHY! LOLS...
then we take to marina south! FOR!!? STEAM BOATING!!!!!! hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
okies... then we had real lotSS!!! SUPER LOT OF FOOD! yes chicken,seafood,crab,luckly.... no BUNS FOR DEAR HEHEHEE
then... we go home! before we go! ICE CREAM PLz =D i like!!! then after that! we reach home! bathed! slp x(
soo..... fast! today is saturday! x( lucky yesterday i did my
math test! haa~8/10!
structure programming! haa~100/100
DE test1! haa~ 65/100
PEEE TEST1,2,3,4! haa~ full marks
okiee.. so everything done! accept 3 quiz to be due by 12 june! X( 2 more days!saddd!!
then... today! saturday! we will be going mac later study! =D study study study! oh ya.. i bought a cooler for my laptop yesterday.. hmm i rate the usefullnes 7/10..! seeya!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
fat ass!
nvm at least i learn my lesson on the road! more mistakes more pass in TP :D yups! =D like wat dear say hard to pass on first time!
so next time i gonna pass! okie ribbonpig!?
or issiz i nv pray to pigpig X(
lol.. wdh
so after that actually going to tuition but lucky!! dear nv meet xianglian and yet meet me hhohoho! so i nv go the tuition! okiee... it ust suckS i thinking i will be failing the paper! i am the worst in the class for math i think X( sucks please!!! anyone donate me more brain cells? my brain cells are dead or coruppted by pigpig! X( please!! put a straw into my brain and drink! X(
meet dear but she overslept X( wait very long x( then after that call so many times no ans in the end no choie go up knock the door if no 1 ans i going home X( but lucky gt her mum open door or else will be headed home and not coming out again x(
so in the end... waited her to bath and going to kfc to eat omg fattness X( fat like hell please! then after that went to study inside and bought a icer milo was rather sad as i thought is a freezy ice but its not its just ice milo :( sadd..
then donno how to do trigo at all sucks man.. then after tht went walk walk and buy chocolate and drink water melon soyamilk anyone taste be4? i rate 6/10 lols..
then soon went her home and going tio preprare to watchh pokeemonnnnn =D
like kids like that and telling dear abt my tummy gaining story she laughs X(
pigpig please!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
silly kids pei me buy food and go back her house eat already! then come reach home her mum start nagging lol then after that dear eat her medicine and then sleep! till now hee she feeling better ! keep changing her towel when dry make it wet again till her shirt wet X( lol i try already X( silly kids! then after that her mum come in see her shirt wet change and change -.- okiee
so later meeting my cousin teach her how to use the camera and then i go badck dear house! silly! take care u nw! =D
hmm lucky me today i pss my prat 6!!! THANK GOD!!! i finally pass!
muack prat 7 clear then is 8 and TP!!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
dear water
-.- omg wat kind of pic is that related to cooling water lol no deer!!
hmm then my bag was so big lo like full of rubbish! got feifeiniao,laptop,files,books and worksheets OMG :D fat bag okie!
then when to sch today stress lo then after that went to free access room do a little thing went home :P nv go math today! then went home meet dear to study! then we study a lot =D STRESS AGAIN! then to destress we eat NYP!!! NOT NAYANG POLYTECHNIC! ITS NEW YOKE PIZZA OKIE! x)
its a very big triagle with right angle! around 30degree angle lols... and hypo around 45cm long!
then after that we feel diguisted X( nan chi and sucks big time lo.... then we took bus wait long and i realise me and dear talk for so long 1yr+ WE CANNOT FINISH TALKING!!! WE ARE VERY TALKTIVE!!! AT DRAIN THERE TALK A LOT LOL!
then now at dear house! bath finish watch incredible! and now blogging =D tml sch exam! boreD!!!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
oh :P great life huh~
just finishing testing my knowledge of programming well i can say its just okie only at least i know what the hell is happening in lecture!
SERIOUSLY! poly life is stress thing.. don look as if its free and easy but.. never look at a person look! just like never look at the sch! so big and nice but its old anyway.. -.- the food court sucks anyway~ so big no use.. lols
i am stress i admit.. and i know myself i have NEVER DO ANY REVISION ON MY OWN WILLING! AND I NEVER EVER WANTED TO! BUT! who knows X) today i am willing and last week i have been studying all long and to get my math batter! indeed! i think i rather understand wat the lecture is abt! and how it flows X) but sad thing is that the teacher teaches very fast i don understand! but i have been going revision! :) remeinder! :D and a lot
OKIE! going to start lossing weight! i swear! i gonna excerise! and be THIN! okie! dear lets start excerise! okiE!
hmm went to eat buffet today! SAKURA! =) nice 1
soo lets describe abt it!
1st we wake up so early can! no its me :P i wake at 8! okie so i fell asleep at dear's bed around 10+ why? thx to miss ribbonpig (: pig gensE~ i just smell her few times and i drowsy and sleep ! good for people who can't sleep at night :)
lol deaR! ass hole le u! snatch my ribbonhead X( lols then! she sleep at 4! thx! :) wake at at 10+ then i was bored i playing maple :P oh well her brother help me play also :P
sooo we decided to move off from her house at 11.15! so we plan accordingly then we reached there early! and 12 theres people queing i think its quite popular when inside staff start asking any reserve :) before that like only 10+ people then suddenly 10mins theres double the popular lols okie then we start having foodSSSS lols we have lots great food! theres teppanyaki , sashimi,sushi,hot plat,ice cream,salad,tempura nuggets sharkfin frinks,, , blablabla~ okie so total worfth of 22 bucks each suring week end and holidays bla bla bla and week days noon will be 20 bucks as for night will be 26 not sure lol
so i was greedy i got lots nuggets,scallops,crab claw,beef,chicken and bla bla bla ~ happy eating! eat a lot alot atlot then dear went to take for me bandong ICE thats nice :) then thx to her :) thx for the shark fin she took for me with extra lot lot lot vineger and not pepper but SALT :)) thx :)
lols then she drive me mad X( she went eating grapes there lols
okiee then i eventually try out all teppanyaki staff i can rate that 6/10 why? lol the service is not bad but.. the sause like sucks? lols ketchup sause! :) then next! i try the hot plat and the oyster its huge but i don like raw lol so i choose sashimi well have only basic sashimi like sakae moguro tai ekai and normal edamame lol.. well i use to work inside a japan restaraunt chimes call tatsu lol i think my last working place was not bad but ex!
then! after that i went take others like hams and hebal chicken lol quite nice :) and dear peel for me prawns! :D
then! i start trying all sort of tepan and last dish ends with some siewmai and dory fish! i thought thats wat fish so its the finding nemo fish.. was rather feel disguisting when its that fish thats a friendly fish why will i eat that! omg i eat halfway i don wan it infact don even feel like eating that can?
lol dear and i was so full that cant work! is like the feeling going to explode when i eat 1 more thing! BOMB!
ahha! then went to take bus back her home! =D then reach her house watch TV PIG GENSE =D OH YA WENT FIND HER BIRTHDAY PRESENT BUT SHE STRESS AND CHOSEY DONNO WAT TO BUT OMG JUST BUY SOME BRA XD OR WALLET :D anyway good news is that
tml u wan to go dumpling-ing? the nice pretend meat 1 :P wan go eat eat eat! =D
Friday, May 26, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
ways of sickness just sucks can?
1st sickness) cough !! it will always last for months! and wont recover!
2nd sickness) dry throat!! it will stay dry and uncomfortable and then proceed to stage 2 which is my 3rd sickness!
3rd sickness) sorethroat!! it will next be sore throat after dry throat! then when ever sore throat will have flarm! and it will straight away be green colour ! strangly i seldom or infact never get YELLOW colour flarm for a long time! instead i got white flarm before!
4th sickness! ) then! next will be fever! when ever i have sorethroat i will have fever! thats always happen!!
5th sickness! ) whe ever i got fever i will result in DRINKING OVERWHELMING OF COOLING WATER! thats like in chinese they got " HOT " and " COLD " ! so when u are having fever u result in too heaty! which is same as " HOT " then i will be drinkign too much cooling water and result in too COLD! so my 5th sickness will be FLU! GREAT!
6th! so when having flu i will be having NOSE BLOCK!
7th! last but not least! cough!!!!
then after cough!
will be 1st sickness again after some time -.-
so depressed -.-
so stop being sick!!
dear going take for me thermometer! HEE I LIKE! FASTER FASTER OKIE!
tml sch till 5 OMG X(
Monday, May 08, 2006
hee yesterday dear celebrate at my house! so by noon we change bunny and then dear bought me a cake! a polar brand! filled with delicious mango,kiwi creamy cake! hee!! and yes ! dear sing me a birthday song! =D then i make a wish and blow the candles! =D
then dear ran into my room! get my pressie! =d she bought me a BLACK LEATHER BILABONG WALLET! HEE SO SWEET OF HER! XD
although my wallet spoilt but i nv mention at all =P and she knows! she bought me 1 =D COOL! a lot compartment! and more adult looking =D where as my old kidos wallet =D
then dear give me a card =D so nicE " A BIRD TOLD ME ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY! " hee!! =D
then... after that we went to bring sky down! actually is bring carpet but she don like sit lift so we exchange and bring sky =D then i rollarblade! =d hee!!! then night my mum cook! and eat! then night go dear's house plan A and today go to sch! xD well today i learn a LITTLE from math x) then also not forgeting the structure programming =D like!
then after sch 12 got the cip disscusion then after that take mrt go home! hee wait till 6.55 go to moto! but i fail so i don wan mention :D nvm i not that sad ! why!!!?
coz! hee ddear's family celebrate for me! her dad bought for me a ICE CREAM CAKE! and the cake itself stated my name! OHHH SO SWEET u know! its a preordered! so its not a last min! :)
then after that! they sing me a song! HEE touching! as my family nv celebrate for me today =/
quite a lot friends MSG ME! telling me happy birthday! =D hee THANKS TO ALL MY FRIEND!!!!
for those who donno my birthday its ok! =D next yr again!
hee! tml test -.- bored =x SEE YA
once again1
i am old X( 19th!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
although i get 16 but got a straight failure sooo no choice have to fail..
so i book on a monday 8/may again! haha my birthday! so i hope i got luck maybe i can pass :D
now at sch
listening to cocks lol
having character developing buttttt.. soo.. bored lol
shall end nw :D
Monday, May 01, 2006
morning hearing dear complaining abt merlion's nag -.- must be something no good lol so she ask me faster pack and go :D so.. very very fast we pack and .......... voom~ gone out X) dear happy tummy puppy! we first went to CAMPASS POINT! :D we went to buy things and eventually the shop open at 11am-.- shitt it.. when its only 10.20+? lol so we head to BK MORNING BREAKY :D ITS nice though lol it look plain ? hee! i like double sasuage! :D yum yum! shall eat it on other day! :D
sooo bloateddd =D after eating we went to metro! :D then walk walk then when we come out we saw a spec shop! so i plan to go in and check my degree :p so incase later i know wat degree to buy =P but in the end found out that my eye is insane eye to have big differences of 100" degree -.- maybe i use my left eye to watch porn too much? =D THANKS!? ((:
then i bought it since i can choose the estimated degree for my goggles X) and also it do contains spare part for my goggles X) and with ANTI-fog liquid drip X)
after knowing the price $39 -.- a little heart pain till dear told me this kind of money cannot save 1 ? feel much better X)
soo we bought and go~ X) head to WILD WILD WET PLEASE! =D buying ICE BLEND! and taking 89! =D thennn sit sit sit! soon reached! hee! head to WWW please~! then saw lasi lemak stall i thought its the only stall can redeem the food -.- lucky i think that if we redeem then later will get appendix if swimming so nv redeem :P and then went in to WWW :P okie! we were confuse so many people! then we went to get a FUNKEY CARD and go to buy locker! ok its ex thought no other choice $2 bucks! to protect ribbonpig from thief so have to buy =P
then get a locker number 431 =P heE! then put things already change already! XD HEAD TO PLAY PLEASE!!! =D then first we went to play the kids thing =P so small yet so fun! we play the slides! dear at first scare kids! =P wearing black shirt and her sec pe shorts ! i wearing nake X) with board shorts! then... we play ALL THE SLIDES then i go try the alone waterfloat! =P few story high and slide down X) nice X) but board X( then ask dear to try also but she refuse then suddenly she dare and TAKE OFF HER SHIRT with sports bra inside and went play =P she like! and became more daring -.-" then we play tsunami =P she scare this the most coz its deep and she don dare to swim! =D hee then after that play the sky rider =D ride on the sky =P and we play the DARK HOLE =D and the ULAH LAH! =D so fun can! =D but the samsung 1 is a bit scary =P imagine i can't see and suddenly so high drop down X( i scare dear dare x( lol..
then play a lot times ULAHLAH with other people =P hee dear HAPPY WHEN PLAY THAT 1 = D
okiee! then after playing we went play the children 1 we play a lot superman's style =P fun fun fun! dear like but slow =P too much friction =P HEE!
then after playing all we went to play the shoik river lol with contains a little of wave =P turning round and round =D and not forgeting the BIG YAKULT =D BIT WATER SPLASH ONTO US =D hee then after that went to change and going out =D we eat and redeem out KFC and funkey card =P then walk to outside redeem drinks and play games =P win 4 barny =P and walk to pasir ris! =D so near =D happy us! went to white sands and buy choco milk shake! and then take mrt to citihall! =D
TIRED HOT DAY! with sun burns~~~
then take pay =D i like! 140 =) then went to take mrt home! deposit money that time saw 2people fight and everyone looking lol including the police -.- but its cicso so they only care money =D and then disappear after fighting lol
took bus and carpeting!!
then dear's MM come great x)
eat magee mee! and eggs X) now carpet get locked up!
tml sch -.- bored kids!!
i love u !!!!! DEAR
Sunday, April 30, 2006
or non like it :)
okieee blog abt today's picnic :D this morning when my techno alarm rings , it waken the whole family of pig genes pte ltd :) morning sunday everyone wake up just because my alarm :D
so its 7.25am! i wake and went to bath and getting ready to go :) just whe ndear came out from bath today, i sw a lot new up coming phones lol really think that nokia came up to a very good idea of economic phones , good features,shape and functions.. but price wise -.- sux?
okie went to take mrt! was like too early to reach? lol we reach at 8.15am :) thx? :) then we went to buy tibits :) 2 giant xx large tops please!~ lol dear nv see before giant tops already! then after that went eat BEE HOON :D dear like na hee then went take bus to PASIR RIS PARK! =D
dear like as all is friendly and happy tummy puppy L O L RIBBONFACE~
hmM! i think carpet is insane! the more i look at her the more ppl say i look like her X( my cousin,and aunties say HEY I LOOK LIKE HER X( I DON WAN LOOK LIKE CARPETTTT~~~
she say my face big and round like carpet X( heh heh heh! event my neighbours say i look like carpet dog! X( why! X(
i think i look like ribbonpig also X( round face and happy tummy X(
blehs... so we went to play the A LOT STRINGS GAME lol so i did it i climb to the top anmd dead nv X( why x( lousy x( pig X( hmss X(
dear just tell me last time people call me hamster now people call me carpet X(((((((
don wan x(((
then 12! eat the vegetarian NA SI LE MAK xD ok it taste not bad! maybe i hungry: lol dear like the food :)) so she is happy tummy puppy! and
today the group play a game call " FIRE IN THE MOUTAIN RUN RUN RUN! FIRE IN THE MOUTAIN RUN RUN RUN! lol stupid game? X) i took video down and pics but sadly no card reader here :D ribbonpig!
then took bus home! then went home and bath and change to harbour front the " BIG" lol buy things but in the end nbv buy although all is cheap but not needed so nv buy =D
sadly X( my 6280 price drop like kids X( anyway dear is happy tummy puppy
Sunday, April 09, 2006
HAPPY 1 yr 1 mth!
today morning wake up u force me eat! X( lol fat kids already! then after that i went to brush teeth! =D and bath everything! and wat we really waiting for is XIAO ANT! =D u like! yes for those who donno is the NOKIA 6280! hmm i think i rate this phone 7/10 :) the camera is clear as well as the video with very very minor of pixels and clear! so... not bad not bad but the thing that sucks is that itxs not SYMBIAN SOFTWARE lol if not i will be start downloading things into it!
oh yes the 2nd sucks is that it use mini SD while i got a spare 512 rs mmc and 256 mmc so... gone waste anyway x(
the promo package is not bad though got a free duffle bag,free Vthree dedigner watch worfth 138 and a nokia lastest bluetooth head set which i saw the shop selling 99 dollars X) so ok la.. for a brand new phone lol ppl selling the phone 600+-700+ somemore i get to change to STUDENT PLAN =D
thats nice XD
okok dear tml got test and she still lazying around X( sad for her hope she will pass! =D
well today we clelebrate by going to jurong bird park =D we went to the park at 4.45pm lol great !!! so late but who knows we still able to WATCH THE WHOLE PARK! X) seriously i thionk the park is small lol... zoo is still the best but not to mention reptile park X)
hee! tml got orientation i hate but i can go sch play laptop :P i like! =D muacks to dear! hope tml we will able to meet early =D muack!
happy 1 yr 1 mth!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
yupss went to sleep at dear's house yesterday with OUT MEETING MY DEAR GAY PARTNERS :) but i saw him boonkeat on SSDC when we got our pratical lesson :)) we did challenge racing lol and we got scolded -.- who cares the whole group followed us lol bleah! then after that i went home and meet dear :D then we went to buy mee siam for my mum and went home change bunnies :) chocolate trying to enter kopio :D then when we went to my house this noon we saw chocolate lying with kopio together closly lol we feel so happy for them :D then that bao san and bun san is so fat :)) eat all the gua zi dear pick for them =D
then noon my mum got cook left overs and greedy me and dear start eating :)) then after eating we went to play com and oh ya singtel recieve a complaint of us distributing copy right materials :)) great so sway :) and we must stop this thing before they will carry out actions :) but is like we nv distributing but downloading
well forget it!
I AM GOING TO START SCH AND I AM GOING TO QUIT JOB AND RIBBONPIG WANTING TO GO TO MY SCH CANTEEN WITH ME! GREAT KIDS :)) i preparing to buy computer soon :D buying the acer 5672 laptop! with 1.3megapixels camera intel centrino duo core processor 1.66 ghz ad L2 cach 2mb , with 1gb ram , up to 512 hypermemory ATI RADEON GRAPHIC CARD AND 100gb harddisk with 15" inch crystal clear lcd selling at retail price of 2698 and choose package [(A) 40g external harddisk ] or [(B)2nd and 3rd year local warranty at just $99 ]! this is the retail package promotion but i went to funan it mall last few weeks i got a quite good price of package A or B at fix nett price of 2460 lol great?? :) i may consider to buy it! =d
well i am going to eat my la bai cai la mian already! =D and i am thirsty X( tml got work!!!! X( tuesday went shopping with my mum! =D WOO HOO! buy LAPTOP!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
firstly.. my room was damn bloody hot... after eating a hot and spicy korean instant noodles i sweat a little...
secondly.. my air cooler sucks to the core! its like blowing nth out... well.. i regret buying it.. waste of water,time and electricity =( hot..........
thirdly.. after reading my gf's blog.. i am speechless... i donno wat to do abt it..well.. she might think that first few month i am very mushy to her.. and nw i don.. well we stead 1yr 13days! and if she thinks my feeling is like fading away.. i got nth to say.
i talk to her abt her problems of facing her family but wat ever i told her is like nth. even the bus stamp i ask her to sms her parents abt it.. i bet she nv.
she forgothen abt our moto for 2006.
" i will never get bullied again "
i told her so many times but all the massage i told her was like birds flying away..
till now.. i got nothing to say when she told me she moody abt her family problems.
i ask her why? she nv say anything..
so wat should i do? i explain how u should do but u wont do. then u blame me for ignoring u? my god.. i donno what should i do.. i am confuse..
tell me.. what should i do????????
i really got nothing to say.. but keep to my self.. that its ok just claim down and forget it...
after reading yur blog makes me a little angry.. but.. maybe becoz u moody. so i nv really go think much abt it..
i wanted to call u nw... but u hang up.. nv even bother to answer me and tell me u are sleeping.. till i call u the 4-5 times u off your phone.. so u think this don make me feel ignored? calling u and u hang up ? hais..
i am confused.....
dear god just shut my brain....
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
singapore polytechnic
recieve 2 good news at the same time =D friday going to my RTT test hope i wil pass :( lol then next tuesday i am going to my prat 2! hope i will pass too!
was targating to get license by september! =D insane boy!
oh ya hehe went out with dear to buy things to cook! tee hee! i know how to cook alot thigns already! =D happy tummy kids! =D dear like the food i cook hehehe! muacks! hammiee chef cooking! =D
silly later going to work! and she is coming to acompany me! =D
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
went to the chalet! whose birthday!? nope! its boonkeat's final destination day lol! he is going to the army! lol! just imagine he cutting bota with that face =) look like monkey though.. lol well hope he get takan inside =p run run recuit! jus like days in ncc lol.. but his not! haha so maybe will be tougher?
train up la!hehe!
yups yups the chalet was quite successful! no quarrels! no angry ppl!
lol... my mother start naggy wdh! say i better don drive moto! :(
but i buy moto helmet and register as student of ssdc already LOL SHE CANNOT DO ANYTHING =D jus like a chuan dog staying there chuan heh heh heh *tonguesout*
hmm the first day of chalet we already loss.. meet dear after her sch went to eat! fondle! she like!! =D we eat all =) yups was much better then the esplanade can? lol
so after eating we eat mac :) great kids :) thx to dear for craving of it :) lol then gt a call from ziwen that they reached! was shock! so i faster go off... dear see me to mrt station then i went in le.. silly pokey sure sads :( then i reach le sms them.. then saw them lol great kids we loss inside sentosa!
then.. finally reach there lol saw they all and yes we so embarrassed before that.. we went to the HOTEL thought it was a chalet :) 2) we reach the chalet and ziwen went to knock wrong door thought boonkeat inside :) and of coz we are so sway that the ppl staying in that room was shock and stay still outside watching us lol they must be thinking we mad keep knock their room -.- then we faster chaos! then sms bookeat and donno who say might be first lv and i go open! as keat told us is first lv and nv lock! lol i go open and shocked! not our room =x
omg.. -.-
then we start to bbq lol they all start the fire so lousy -.- once i come i start everyone can cook =P and infact the fire was super big =D i cook a lot meat and the chalet like gay chalet lol only rebecca,ailin,peiyuan,huiting no more.. lol all got their boyfriend of coz -.- my class mates :D no more other girls =D the rest is gays =D
then after bbq we went to play back jack and till morning lol i sleep a while at 6+ then 9+ wake up go eat bk lol! then went to change and go siloso beach! lol SAW SUPER LOTS OF BIKINI BABES AND DEAR SURE LIKE!!!! LOL yes theres a event going on... lol its the urbanmale's beach volleyball hunks and babes lol
wasted dear nv go =P she went to club!
hmm then 2nd day went sun tanning! and play volleyball lol well boonkeat stay at room to sleep :) great he whole day sleeping!!!!
then at night we eat steamboat!!! KAKAKA =D well... we use plastic foke and spoon -.- great when we trying to take our food it melt our folk but we don care change again and continue use! melt again and continue use again! =D its don taste plastic so maybe not posion? lol
then after eat finsh we went play water polo then after play go bath and start eating again! lol went to play black jack loss $7 don play lol then talk with dear! =D she happy that she go club!
hmms.. then after that i went to sleep -.- tired! -.-"
3rd day wake up and pack le go out of sentosa and eat! lols eat the na chi nasilemak -.- then went home sleep!
later meet dear for dessert!!! =D
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
so bored tml work x( and keat keep asking me to enroll to SSDC moto lol he say till i wanted to go but... heard the expenses so ex.. enroll need 80+ and each pratical need 21 bucks must pass moto RTT then can.. but i failed my BASIC so many times.// wdh so sway x( well.. gt to see friday if i got the mood to go... since i no work lol
YES X) our 1yr coming soon lol i can;'t believe i can have a long relationship till 1yr HAHA! mostly 4-5 mths? lol and .... now X) i know her through ONLINE and we can so long :) so wat it means? online MEANS SOMETHING TOO!! =D
well ribbonpig too X)
lol bored i knew dear wont know i blog today! i so GUAI =D
muacks dear! i loveyou!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
hmm went to eat marina steamboat yesterday!! GREAT KIDS XD subday night full and sleep x)
hee dear first thing eat BUN! DRIVE ME MAD X( eat abt 6 buns! then we start eating chickenwings and hammie special chicken X) i cook it okiE!
yummySS!!! dear like it!! of coz X) done by special chef hammie! ahaha!
silly pokey like the chilli crab sauce! and finally she ate a lot X) she is prawn addict!! :D took a lot pics! on my com now! :D

this is wat we START WITH X) and how abt this X) dear start with it X)


=D the big bully =D lol X) scare le ba :D she eat a lot too =D
she waves!!

lol x) and who knows if u say her bad things and she heard!

HEE!! quite tired le! and dear is sleeping PIG!!
ops! =D
we took a nice pic!

HEE! thats all =D
well i know everyone knows abt the nyp girl thingy.. hmm.. so hope shes alright =D
Saturday, February 04, 2006

(nice isn't it? hehe wan closer view?)
(LOOK AT THE RAMEN X)) ) u like?
how abt the small dishes? lol look again x) below X)
hmm well its my red packet money x( i am broke kids now and my bank left around $820? lol gonna get edusave merit award but stupid rubbish need below 3k.. don care! i write below =D
but :D i WANT TO GET! =D ribbonpig angry? coz i eat all? lol AJISEN! EAT AGAIN! =D
hate to work with that STUPID bad attitude girl in my work place... name shall not be mention.. well she believes she is better and capable to order ppl around well.. let me tell her this IF SHE READS THE BLOG... " U SUCKS TO THE CORE! " get it?
yea.. wat ever =D
fireworks tonight~ *snap*