Saturday, July 22, 2006


dont like sick okiee... now very xin ku! keep coughing badly.. lucky i have a woods sweet.. so i am eating it now to at least stand by for least coughing incase waking dear's parent out...

actually was thinking of going home.. but thinking that have to wake up more early to meet her for poly clinic it think better not.. -.- later is either i nt waking up or she not waking up.. so... for safe reason i plan a! btw plan a means the codec for staying at her house =.= its out code don ask me why LOL

she is slping like a pig.. tell her i very xin ku she don respond -.- okiee maybe sch is tiring for her.... -.-

so... now cough is slightly okie as i endure it.. yup amought all sickness i hate most is cough! sucks... my cough can coughup to 2-3 mths... bad? =.=

okieee did i mention i sneeze out blood yesterday? yup maybe i sneeze too forcefuly... resulting in bloody flu liquid.. bad bad bad...

nv go for my cca ... -.- suspost to go.. well pity joel.. he always wanted to go but seng,don nv go liao think they quit.. so.. they nv go.. accept me.. so if i nv go he nv go too... poor him..

okiee the worst part was... when i am going to sch.. i leave home at 9! when my lesson start 8! waiting for 965... it was late bloody hell.. so result i late when i go out early -.- ... anyway who cares... in the train! the worst came! me keep sneezing and water keep droping like tap pipe ! WHEN I GOT NO TISSUE... wel.. in the end guess wat? i go borrow from other strangers???? NOPE lol i clean it on my sleeves -.- okiee.. its disguisting but no choice... LOL...

tml poly clnic hope it will be better with medicine! although not cheap anymore as not student! LOL...

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