Thursday, July 13, 2006

just ate my mac! spicey! meal! X) nice X) okiee... getting more fats and fats X) yesterday ate zinger burger LOL ASS HOLE DEAR DON WAN EAT ALONE! wHY@!

hmm after sch dear came my house then update maplestory thought still can use hack but in the end the stupid maple they covered up the hack programes X( resulted in unable to hack! i should have hack more! GOSH! X(

okiee.. so today sch. yup! suckish.. first present the vids. casper! teacher say the movie not that good! as the casper did in a bad way but with determination! wat ...? lol sucks la... say got idea but wrong motive... so donno how also.. wat ever


now teaching PEEE term 2 wat ever i don listen as i am not interested... i bet other listen but nv get into brain!! well life just sucks


okiee... TP in 7 days hope i pas plz god! =)

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