Wednesday, December 28, 2005


GOT MASHPOTATO OF FOUR CHEESE! YUMMY KIDS MY FAVOURITE NA =D BUT I WILL GROW FAT!!! BUT NVM =D hee! dear just come rush to me tell me she just put in hand take then take dao black pepper de.. lol why! silly kids! hmm nvm =D i still like u dummy!

lols dear say today shes going to study but who will believe unless she prove to me =D hee!
well yesterday was a sad day! but nvm after tt dear cheer me up =D then we go tamp to hand her form! and then went walk walk! lol! then we go eat beef noodles .... oh well... is only i eat...

so.. dear was sitting there watching me eat.. then after i eat we went to walk again...
we went to shop and save to walk! lols then we bought facial wash!,hair remover spray! and blackhead remover! lols.. we are not ....... =x

well.. then went to take 27 and went to bai mei! =D we bought milk as we got our cereal!
then dear saw a packet of mash potato! and we see its discount so dear bought it! and i am eating now =D hO ho ho!

then dear is doing her homework lol she needs to see pricipal o.o!

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