Wednesday, May 25, 2005

morning rain

Hmm wakeup at 7am =x STArt raining@!!!!~!~!~!~ heee then wake up to close window and went to toilet and sleep.. =P look at handphone and see no messages =) sooo... went back to sleep... now 10.30 le... but dear haven message me =donno why = must be phone low batt or she busy ba..coz she always do message me or call me in the morning =P soo.. =P i wont anyhow think =D

yesterday went to dears house at the night.. =) suspose to take 800 but heard dear love sick so i decided to take 965 =P reach her house and i ask her to call me pretend we tok and i told her i go my home =x she thought i really going my home.. hehe.. dar is dumb nah.. then suddenly i ask her open door.. =x she shock and see me =x she faster hug me tight tight =P surprise ba =x silly boy .. =D i like to call her sillyboy =x donno why ehehe then dear yesterday is INSANE! = she ask me about hamster can eat fresh fruits or veg? then i say can and i list out certain food that hamster can't eat =P she laugh like insane kid =x

durian...papaya..pineapple...ramutan... etc all cannot eat de ma.. then dear laugh =.=" scold me l o l.. donno what she laugh also ..=.=" laugh till drop off the bed.. = kiddo kid.. =x

darrr isss dumb.. self declare that today is last day of sch and decide to fake teacher ith MC... oh no... she decide not to see doc and tell teacher that MC lost = friday also.. her class half of them run out =x what the hell.. JC =x oh my.. = why like that.... =x even ite also will not like that =x i also nv =x bleahss...

now raining a little =x and carpet is always pretending human =x looking at the rabbits... =\ and i am dumb =x

muack dar! love u !!

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